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Nurse Educ Pract 2014 Jan 01;141:62-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nepr.2013.06.006.
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Implementing service improvement projects within pre-registration nursing education: a multi-method case study evaluation.

Baillie L , Bromley B , Walker M , Jones R , Mhlanga F .

BACKGROUND: Preparing healthcare students for quality and service improvement is important internationally. A United Kingdom (UK) initiative aims to embed service improvement in pre-registration education. A UK university implemented service improvement teaching for all nursing students. In addition, the degree pathway students conducted service improvement projects as the basis for their dissertations. AIM: The study aimed to evaluate the implementation of service improvement projects within a pre-registration nursing curriculum. METHOD: A multi-method case study was conducted, using student questionnaires, focus groups with students and academic staff, and observation of action learning sets. Questionnaire data were analysed using SPSS v19. Qualitative data were analysed using Ritchie and Spencer''s (1994) Framework Approach. RESULTS: Students were very positive about service improvement. The degree students, who conducted service improvement projects in practice, felt more knowledgeable than advanced diploma students. Selecting the project focus was a key issue and students encountered some challenges in practice. Support for student service improvement projects came from action learning sets, placement staff, and academic staff. CONCLUSION: Service improvement projects had a positive effect on students'' learning. An effective partnership between the university and partner healthcare organisations, and support for students in practice, is essential.

PubMed ID: 23867284
Article link: Nurse Educ Pract