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J Oleo Sci 2015 Jan 01;647:721-7. doi: 10.5650/jos.ess15079.
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Generation of Tetracosahexaenoic Acid in Benthic Marine Organisms.

Suo R , Li H , Yoshinaga K , Nagai T , Mizobe H , Kojima K , Nagao K , Beppu F , Gotoh N .

Tetracosahexaenoic acid (THA, 24:6n-3) has been shown to have the strongest ability to suppress accumulation of lipids in HepG2 cells among well-known n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA. In this study, a method for mass production of THA was investigated using distributions of THA and DHA in thirty-two marine organisms, such as starfishes, right-eyed flounders, shellfishes, and sharks. The fatty acid composition of the marine organisms was analyzed using GC-FID and THA was detected in starfish, right-eyed flounder, and shark. Furthermore, the ratio of DHA and THA (DHA/THA) in each sample was calculated using chromatogram peak area of GC-FID, and the value was found to be lower than 1 in some starfishes. As a result, THA was thought to be synthesized in the starfishes. In contrast, the value of DHA/THA for right-eyed flounder and sharks was greater than 1. The THA accumulation in right-eyed flounder was considered to be because of the starfishes that the flounder consumes as part of its diet. DHA is synthesized from THA by beta-oxidation in peroxisomes, in the Sprecher''s shunt. The high accumulation of THA observed in the flounder would be caused by the decreasing enzyme activation due to beta-oxidation in the peroxisomes of the starfishes. Understanding the differences in THA between aquatic species could also potentially allow us to understand why THA is generated in marine animals.

PubMed ID: 26136172
Article link: J Oleo Sci

Genes referenced: LOC752814