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MethodsX 2019 Jul 12;6:2348-2366. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2019.09.041.
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Metallic sample preparation for phase transformation analysis.

Paganotti A , Bessa CVX , Silva LS , Silva RAG .

Metallic materials characterization is a important part of phase transformation studies, and the sample preparation plays a crucial role in the measured properties. The methodologies available are not fully described and refer in its majority only to iron-based and aluminum-based alloys focusing in industrial analysis. In this paper the authors fully described the preparation methodology for metallic samples used by their research group. This method aims to attend different characterization techniques, producing samples of complex metallic systems from pure base materials by arc melting. •The melting of metallic ingots from pure base materials was fully described.•The correct sample cutting, sanding and polishing procedures were described.•A full detailed procedure is described to prepare the samples for different analyses.

PubMed ID: 31660298
PMC ID: PMC6807373
Article link: MethodsX

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