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Semin Cell Dev Biol 2019 Aug 01;92:45-54. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2018.09.001.
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The mesentery as the epicenter for intestinal regeneration.

García-Arrarás JE , Bello SA , Malavez S .

The mesentery, a newly minted organ, plays various anatomical and physiological roles during animal development. In echinoderms, and particularly in members of the class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) the mesentery plays an additional unique role: it is crucial for the process of intestinal regeneration. In these organisms, a complete intestine can form from cells that originate in the mesentery. In this review, we focus on what is known about the changes that take place in the mesentery and what has been documented on the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved. We describe how the events that unfold in the mesentery result in the formation of a new intestine.

PubMed ID: 30193995
PMC ID: PMC6401350
Article link: Semin Cell Dev Biol
Grant support: [+]

Genes referenced: LOC100887844

References [+] :
Bai, Regeneration in the holothurian, Holothuria scabra Jager. 1971, Pubmed, Echinobase