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Mar Pollut Bull 2022 Jun 01;179:113676. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113676.
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An assessment workflow to recover microplastics from complex biological matrices.

F M Santana M , Kroon FJ , van Herwerden L , Vamvounis G , Motti CA .

A criteria-guided workflow was applied to assess the effectiveness of microplastic separation methods on complex marine biological matrices. Efficacy of four methods (nitric acid, HNO3, and potassium hydroxide, KOH, digestions, and sodium chloride, NaCl, and potassium iodide, KI, density flotations) was evaluated on four taxa (hard coral, sponge, sea squirt, sea cucumber) using five microplastics (polyethylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, PET, polyvinylchloride, rayon). Matrix clarification was only unacceptably low for KOH. PET discoloured regardless of reagent. Rayon threads unravelled into monofilaments after exposure to all reagents, with discolouration also occurring with HNO3. Recovery rates were overall high, except for dense microplastics treated with NaCl and only KI yielded high rayon recovery efficiency. All polymers were accurately assigned, with subtle spectral changes observed. These results demonstrate specific limitations to separation methods applied to different biological matrices and microplastics and highlight the need to assess their suitability to provide estimates of microplastic contamination.

PubMed ID: 35500374
Article link: Mar Pollut Bull