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Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 2017 Apr 01;352:171-175. doi: 10.7518/hxkq.2017.02.012.
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[Polishing performance of different polishing tools for CEREC Blocs ceramic].

Tao W , Zhenwei G , Huijing G , Xianghe Q .

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the polishing performance of five different glass-ceramic polishing tools on CEREC Blocs ceramic and provide evidence for clinical polishing tool selection. METHODS: Sixty ceramic specimens were prepared and divided into six groups (n=10). These specimens received different surface treatments, including glazing (group G), polishing with Shofu polishing set, that is, Porcelain Adjustment Kit+CeraMaster (group SF), 3M Sof-LexTM Discs (group 3M), TobooM polishing set (group Tob), EVE DIAPRO system (group EVE), and Ivoclar Vivadent OptraFine® system (group Ivo). Polishing quality was measured with a profilometer, and we selected Ra and Rz values for statistical analysis. Qualitative surface evaluation was performed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). RESULTS: The mean Ra values of each group were as follows: G (0.069 µm±0.008 µm)<3M (0.073 µm±0.009 µm)<SF (0.223 µm±0.025 µm)<Ivo (0.229 µm±0.022 µm)<EVE (0.491 µm±0.093 µm)<Tob (0.763 µm±0.067 µm). No significant difference was observed between G and 3M groups (P>0.05), and SF and Ivo groups (P>0.05), but the remaining treatment groups were significantly different from each other (P<0.05). Statistical results of Rz values were the same as the Ra values, and visual analysis of the images obtained from SEM was consistent with the statistical results. CONCLUSIONS: The polishing performance of different polishing tools for CEREC Blocs ceramic was different. Sof-LexTM Discs achieved the most remarkable performance, which was comparable to that of glazing. 

PubMed ID: 28682548
PMC ID: PMC7029985
Article link: Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi

Genes referenced: evxl LOC583082 LOC588807

References [+] :
Amaya-Pajares, Effect of Finishing and Polishing on the Surface Roughness of Four Ceramic Materials after Occlusal Adjustment. 2016, Pubmed