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Genome Announc 2014 Aug 14;24:. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00812-14.
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Draft Genome Sequence of Haloferax sp. Strain ATB1, Isolated from a Semi-Arid Region in the Brazilian Caatinga.

Castro Wde O , Torres-Ballesteros AM , Nakayama CR , Melo IS , Pellizari VH , Silva A , Ramos RT .

Organisms in the Haloferax genus are extreme halophiles that grow in environments with pH values between 4 and 12, and temperatures between 0°C and 60°C. In the present study, a draft of the first Haloferax sp. strain ATB1 genome isolated from the region of Cariri (in Paraíba State, Brazil) is presented.

PubMed ID: 25125649
PMC ID: PMC4132625
Article link: Genome Announc

Genes referenced: arid2

References [+] :
Aziz, The RAST Server: rapid annotations using subsystems technology. 2008, Pubmed