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Biotechnol Adv 2015 Jan 01;335:481-510. doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2015.02.001.
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Biocatalysis and biotransformation in Brazil: An overview.

Birolli WG , Ferreira IM , Alvarenga N , Santos Dde A , de Matos IL , Comasseto JV , Porto AL .

This review presents the recent research in biocatalysis and biotransformation in Brazil. Several substrates were biotransformed by fungi, bacteria and plants. Biocatalytic deracemization of secondary alcohols, oxidation of sulfides, sp(3) CH hydroxylation and epoxidation of alkenes were described. Chemo-enzymatic resolution of racemic alcohols and amines were carried out with lipases using several substrates containing heteroatoms such as silicon, boron, selenium and tellurium. Biotransformation of nitriles by marine fungi, hydrolysis of epoxides by microorganisms of Brazilian origin and biooxidation of natural products were described. Enzymatic reactions under microwave irradiation, continuous flow, and enzymatic assays using fluorescent probes were reported.

PubMed ID: 25687277
Article link: Biotechnol Adv