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BMC Biol 2011 Jan 31;9:6. doi: 10.1186/1741-7007-9-6.
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Modularity of gene-regulatory networks revealed in sea-star development.

McDougall C , Degnan BM .

Evidence that conserved developmental gene-regulatory networks can change as a unit during deutersostome evolution emerges from a study published in BMC Biology. This shows that genes consistently expressed in anterior brain patterning in hemichordates and chordates are expressed in a similar spatial pattern in another deuterostome, an asteroid echinoderm (sea star), but in a completely different developmental context (the animal-vegetal axis). This observation has implications for hypotheses on the type of development present in the deuterostome common ancestor.

PubMed ID: 21281525
PMC ID: PMC3032766
Article link: BMC Biol

Genes referenced: LOC100887844

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References [+] :
Collin, Phylogenetic effects, the loss of complex characters, and the evolution of development in calyptraeid gastropods. 2004, Pubmed