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Zookeys 2017 Jan 01;663:1-19. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.663.11413.
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Non-destructive morphological observations of the fleshy brittle star, Asteronyx loveni using micro-computed tomography (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Euryalida).

Okanishi M , Fujita T , Maekawa Y , Sasaki T .

The first morphological observation of a euryalid brittle star, Asteronyx loveni, using non-destructive X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) was performed. The body of euryalids is covered by thick skin, and it is very difficult to observe the ossicles without dissolving the skin. Computed tomography with micrometer resolution (approximately 4.5-15.4 µm) was used to construct 3D images of skeletal ossicles and soft tissues in the ophiuroid''s body. Shape and positional arrangement of taxonomically important ossicles were clearly observed without any damage to the body. Detailed pathways inside the vertebral ossicles, lateral arm plates, and arm spines for passage of nerves and water vascular structures were observed. Inter-vertebral muscles were also observed. Forms and 3D arrangements of many important taxonomical characters of the euryalids were scrutinized by µCT in high enough resolution for taxonomic description of ophiuroids.

PubMed ID: 28769615
PMC ID: PMC5523172
Article link: Zookeys

Species referenced: Echinodermata
Genes referenced: LOC115922275 LOC575098 LOC579609 LOC583082

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References [+] :
Faulwetter, Micro-computed tomography: Introducing new dimensions to taxonomy. 2013, Pubmed