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Zootaxa 2022 Mar 31;51241:88-94. doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5124.1.7.
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First record of Luidia atlantidea Madsen, 1950 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Paxillosida: Luidiidae) in the Sidi-Medjdoub areaMostaganem (West Algerian coast, Mediterranean Sea).

Mezali K , Khodja I , Benarous A , Lebouazda Z , Soualili DL .

The genus Luidia is currently represented in the Mediterranean Sea by three species, namely Luidia ciliaris (Philippi, 1837), Luidia sarsii sarsii (Dben Koren in Dben, 1844) and Luidia atlantidea (Madsen, 1950) which is an Atlantic species recently reported from the Spanish and Tunisian coasts. Two individuals of Luidia atlantidea were collected as bycatch from small-scale fisheries in the region of Sidi-Medjdoub (Mostaganem, Algeria) at a depth of 53 m. The detailed study of the morphological and anatomical characters allowed us to formally identify the two individuals of Luidia atlantidea and therefore to report it for the first time in the Algerian West coast.

PubMed ID: 35391134
Article link: Zootaxa