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Front Robot AI 2019 Apr 24;6:26. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2019.00026.
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An Opposite-Bending-and-Extension Soft Robotic Manipulator for Delicate Grasping in Shallow Water.

Gong Z , Chen B , Liu J , Fang X , Liu Z , Wang T , Wen L .

Collecting seafood animals (such as sea cucumbers, sea echini, scallops, etc.) cultivated in shallow water (water depth: ~30 m) is a profitable and an emerging field that requires robotics for replacing human divers. Soft robotics have several promising features (e.g., safe contact with the objects, lightweight, etc.) for performing such a task. In this paper, we implement a soft manipulator with an opposite-bending-and-extension structure. A simple and rapid inverse kinematics method is proposed to control the spatial location and trajectory of the underwater soft manipulator's end effector. We introduce the actuation hardware of the prototype, and then characterize the trajectory and workspace. We find that the prototype can well track fundamental trajectories such as a line and an arc. Finally, we construct a small underwater robot and demonstrate that the underwater soft manipulator successfully collects multiple irregular shaped seafood animals of different sizes and stiffness at the bottom of the natural oceanic environment (water depth: ~10 m).

PubMed ID: 33501042
PMC ID: PMC7805983
Article link: Front Robot AI

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References [+] :
Calisti, An octopus-bioinspired solution to movement and manipulation for soft robots. 2011, Pubmed