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Curr Top Dev Biol 2022 Jan 01;146:25-48. doi: 10.1016/bs.ctdb.2021.10.002.
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Development of a larval nervous system in the sea urchin.

This review reports recent findings on the specification and patterning of neurons that establish the larval nervous system of the sea urchin embryo. Neurons originate in three regions of the embryo. Perturbation analyses enabled construction of gene regulatory networks controlling the several neural cell types. Many of the mechanisms described reflect shared features of all metazoans and others are conserved among deuterostomes. This nervous system with a very small number of neurons supports the feeding and swimming behaviors of the larva until metamorphosis when an adult nervous system replaces that system.

PubMed ID: 35152985
PMC ID: PMC9968406
Article link: Curr Top Dev Biol
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Angerer, The evolution of nervous system patterning: insights from sea urchin development. 2011, Pubmed, Echinobase