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Methods Cell Biol 2019 Jan 01;150:223-233. doi: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2018.11.012.
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Methods for transplantation of sea urchin blastomeres.

George AN , McClay DR .

The stereotypic cleavage pattern of sea urchin embryos provides a platform for dissection of early lineage decisions that lead to cell diversification. Cell transplantation provides a useful tool for understanding those decisions. The methods described in this paper provide a guide for how to produce embryonic mosaics in which either one cell is transplanted or an entire tier of cells are transplanted to a host embryo. Although the results of such a cut and paste experiment can be documented in many ways, one of the most useful approaches follows progeny of the transplanted cell as they go through morphogenesis using time-lapse imaging. Methods for mounting and imaging the embryos are provided.

PubMed ID: 30777177
Article link: Methods Cell Biol

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC115919910