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Mar Drugs 2021 Jan 06;191:. doi: 10.3390/md19010021.
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Spinochrome Identification and Quantification in Pacific Sea Urchin Shells, Coelomic Fluid and Eggs Using HPLC-DAD-MS.

Vasileva EA , Mishchenko NP , Tran VTT , Vo HMN , Fedoreyev SA .

The high-performance liquid chromatography method coupled with diode array and mass spectrometric detector (HPLC-DAD-MS) method for quinonoid pigment identification and quantification in sea urchin samples was developed and validated. The composition and quantitative ratio of the quinonoid pigments of the shells of 16 species of sea urchins, collected in the temperate (Sea of Japan) and tropical (South-China Sea) climatic zones of the Pacific Ocean over several years, were studied. The compositions of the quinonoid pigments of sea urchins Maretia planulata, Scaphechinus griseus, Laganum decagonale and Phyllacanthus imperialis were studied for the first time. A study of the composition of the quinonoid pigments of the coelomic fluid of ten species of sea urchins was conducted. The composition of quinonoid pigments of Echinarachnius parma jelly-like egg membrane, of Scaphechinus mirabilis developing embryos and pluteus, was reported for the first time. In the case of Scaphechinus mirabilis, we have shown that the compositions of pigment granules of the shell epidermis, coelomic fluid, egg membrane, developing embryos and pluteus are different, which should enable a fuller understanding of the functions of pigments at different stages of life.

PubMed ID: 33419049
PMC ID: PMC7825409
Article link: Mar Drugs

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References [+] :
Ageenko, Pigment cell differentiation in sea urchin blastula-derived primary cell cultures. 2014, Pubmed, Echinobase