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Bioact Mater 2023 Jul 01;25:677-688. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2022.07.009.
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3D Printed Biomimetic Metamaterials with Graded Porosity and Tapering Topology for Improved Cell Seeding and Bone Regeneration.

Zhang L , Wang B , Song B , Yao Y , Choi SK , Yang C , Shi Y .

Biomimetic metallic biomaterials prepared for bone scaffolds have drawn more and more attention in recent years. However, the topological design of scaffolds is critical to cater to multi-physical requirements for efficient cell seeding and bone regeneration, yet remains a big scientific challenge owing to the coupling of mechanical and mass-transport properties in conventional scaffolds that lead to poor control towards favorable modulus and permeability combinations. Herein, inspired by the microstructure of natural sea urchin spines, biomimetic scaffolds constructed by pentamode metamaterials (PMs) with hierarchical structural tunability were additively manufactured via selective laser melting. The mechanical and mass-transport properties of scaffolds could be simultaneously tuned by the graded porosity (B/T ratio) and the tapering level (D/d ratio). Compared with traditional metallic biomaterials, our biomimetic PM scaffolds possess graded pore distribution, suitable strength, and significant improvements to cell seeding efficiency, permeability, and impact-tolerant capacity, and they also promote in vivo osteogenesis, indicating promising application for cell proliferation and bone regeneration using a structural innovation.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 37056269
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC10087492
??? Bioact Mater

References [+] :
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