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Int J Mol Sci 2022 Apr 03;237:. doi: 10.3390/ijms23073991.
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Coriloxin Exerts Antitumor Effects in Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells.

Kuo YH , Wang YX , Peng WH , Chi NY , Lee TH , Wang CC .

Both in Taiwan and around the world, lung cancer is a primary cause of cancer-related deaths. In Taiwan, the most prevalent form of lung cancer is lung adenocarcinoma, a type of non-small-cell lung carcinoma. Although numerous lung cancer therapies are available, their clinical outcomes are unsatisfactory. Natural products, including fungal metabolites, are excellent sources of pharmaceutical compounds used in cancer treatment. We employed in vitro cell invasion, cell proliferation, cell migration, cell viability, and colony formation assays with the aim of evaluating the effects of coriloxin, isolated from fermented broths of Nectria balsamea YMJ94052402, on human lung adenocarcinoma CL1-5 and/or A549 cells. The potential targets regulated by coriloxin were examined through Western blot analysis. The cytotoxic effect of coriloxin was more efficiently exerted on lung adenocarcinoma cells than on bronchial epithelial cells. Moreover, low-concentration coriloxin significantly suppressed adenocarcinoma cells' proliferative, migratory, and clonogenic abilities. These inhibitory effects were achieved through ERK/AKT inactivation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition regulation, and HLJ1 expression. Our findings suggest that coriloxin can be used as a multitarget anticancer agent. Further investigations of the application of coriloxin as an adjuvant therapy in lung cancer treatment are warranted.

PubMed ID: 35409350
PMC ID: PMC8999459
Article link: Int J Mol Sci
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References [+] :
Al Husaini, Prevention and management of bone metastases in lung cancer: a review. 2009, Pubmed