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J Hazard Mater 2018 Jul 15;354:283-292. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.04.048.
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Hierarchically three-dimensional (3D) nanotubular sea urchin-shaped iron oxide and its application in heavy metal removal and solar-induced photocatalytic degradation.

Lee SC , Jeong Y , Kim YJ , Kim H , Lee HU , Lee YC , Lee SM , Kim HJ , An HR , Ha MG , Lee GW , Lee YS , Lee G .

In this study, hierarchically three-dimensional (3D) nanotubular sea urchin-shaped iron oxide nanostructures (3D-Fe2O3) were synthesized by a facile and rapid ultrasound irradiation method. Additives, templates, inert gas atmosphere, pH regulation, and other complicated procedures were not required. Dense 3D-Fe2O3 with a relatively large Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of 129.4 m2/g was synthesized within 23 min, and the BET surface area was further improved to 282.7 m2/g by a post heat-treatment process. In addition, this post processing led to phase changes from maghemite (γ phase) to hematite (α phase) Fe2O3. Subsequent characterization suggested that the growth mechanism of the 3D-Fe2O3 follows self-assembly and oriented attachment. The prepared 3D-Fe2O3 was applied to wastewater purification. Ultrasound-irradiated 3D-Fe2O3 can eliminate a As(V) and Cr(VI) from water with 25 times faster removal rate by using a one third smaller amount than commercial α-Fe2O3. This was attributed to the inter-particle pores and relatively positively charged surface of the nanostructure. In addition, post heat treatment on ultrasound-irradiated 3D-Fe2O3 significantly influenced the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and phenol, with a 25 times higher removal efficiency than that of commercial α-Fe2O3, because of both high BET surface area and good crystallization of the prepared samples.

PubMed ID: 29778038
Article link: J Hazard Mater

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC115925415