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Mar Drugs 2015 Mar 02;133:1124-32. doi: 10.3390/md13031124.
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Bioactive isopimarane diterpenes from the fungus, Epicoccum sp. HS-1, associated with Apostichopus japonicus.

Xia X , Qi J , Liu Y , Jia A , Zhang Y , Liu C , Gao C , She Z .

One new isopimarane diterpene (1), together with two known compounds, 11-deoxydiaporthein A (2) and iso-pimara-8(14),15-diene (3) were isolated from the culture of Epicoccum sp., which was associated with Apostichopus japonicus. Their structures were determined by the analysis of 1D and 2D NMR, as well as mass spectroscopic data. The absolute configuration of Compound 1 was deduced by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiment using CuKα radiation. In the bioactivity assay, both Compounds 1 and 2 exhibited α-glucosidase inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 4.6 ± 0.1 and 11.9 ± 0.4 μM, respectively. This was the first report on isopimarane diterpenes with α-glucosidase inhibitory activity.

PubMed ID: 25738327
PMC ID: PMC4377976
Article link: Mar Drugs

Genes referenced: LOC115924219

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References [+] :
Blunt, Marine natural products. 2014, Pubmed