J Biol Chem
2017 Nov 17;29246:18924-18936. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.811109.
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ZNF143 protein is an important regulator of the myeloid transcription factor C/EBPα.
Gonzalez D
Luyten A
Bartholdy B
Zhou Q
Kardosova M
Ebralidze A
Swanson KD
Radomska HS
Zhang P
Kobayashi SS
Welner RS
Levantini E
Steidl U
Chong G
Collombet S
Choi MH
Friedman AD
Scott LM
Alberich-Jorda M
Tenen DG
The transcription factor C/EBPα is essential for myeloid differentiation and is frequently dysregulated in acute myeloid leukemia. Although studied extensively, the precise regulation of its gene by upstream factors has remained largely elusive. Here, we investigated its transcriptional activation during myeloid differentiation. We identified an evolutionarily conserved octameric sequence, CCCAGCAG, ∼100 bases upstream of the CEBPA transcription start site, and demonstrated through mutational analysis that this sequence is crucial for C/EBPα expression. This sequence is present in the genes encoding C/EBPα in humans, rodents, chickens, and frogs and is also present in the promoters of other C/EBP family members. We identified that ZNF143, the human homolog of the Xenopus transcriptional activator STAF, specifically binds to this 8-bp sequence to activate C/EBPα expression in myeloid cells through a mechanism that is distinct from that observed in liver cells and adipocytes. Altogether, our data suggest that ZNF143 plays an important role in the expression of C/EBPα in myeloid cells.
PubMed ID: 28900037
PMC ID: PMC5704476
Article link: J Biol Chem
Grant support: [+]
P01 CA066996 NCI NIH HHS , P01 HL131477 NHLBI NIH HHS , R01 CA169259 NCI NIH HHS , R21 CA178301 NCI NIH HHS
Genes referenced: cebpa ebp nfyb
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