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Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi 2017 Feb 20;202:124-129. doi: 10.3779/j.issn.1009-3419.2017.02.07.
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[Clinical Advanced in Early-stage ALK-positive Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients].

Gao Q , Jiang X , Huang C .

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in China. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 85% of lung cancer cases, with the majority of the cases diagnosed at the advanced stage. Molecular targeted therapy is becoming the focus attention for advanced NSCLC. Echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 gene and the anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene (EML4-ALK) is among the most common molecular targets of NSCLC; its specific small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are approved for use in advanced NSCLC cases of ALK-positive. However, the influence of EML4-ALK fusion gene on the outcome of early-stage NSCLC cases and the necessity of application of TKIs for early-stage ALK-positive NSCLC patients are still uncertain. In this paper, we summarized the progression of testing methods for ALK-positive NSCLC patients as well as clinicopathological implication, outcome, and necessity of application of TKIs for early-stage ALK-positive NSCLC patients.

PubMed ID: 28228224
PMC ID: PMC5972973
Article link: Zhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi

References [+] :
Blackhall, Prevalence and clinical outcomes for patients with ALK-positive resected stage I to III adenocarcinoma: results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape Project. 2014, Pubmed