Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992)
2020 Jan 01;661:67-73. doi: 10.1590/1806-9282.66.1.67.
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Association between changes in body fat distribution, biochemical profile, time of HIV diagnosis, and antiretroviral treatment in adults living with and without virus infection.
OBJECTIVES: Individuals living with HIV seem to be more prone to changes in the redistribution of body fat, characterized as lipodystrophy, which may occur in conjunction with metabolic diseases. In the present study, such impacts were assessed in adults with and without HIV and associated with the time of virus diagnosis and treatment with antiretroviral. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with 123 adults, in which 87 had HIV and 36 without HIV, of both sexes, in outpatient follow-up at the Specialized Care Service (SAE) in Macaé-RJ. The following were made: 1) Alteration in body fat distribution, measured by anthropometric parameters and self-reported lipodystrophy; 2) Biochemical profile; 3) Association between HIV diagnosis time and antiretroviral treatment. RESULTS: 54.47% (n = 67) males, 45.52% (n = 56) females, mean age 37 years. Of these 87 were people living with HIV, 29% (n = 25) had self-reported lipodystrophy, mean time of virus infection, and antiretroviral treatment (5.80 ± 4.56 and 5.14 ± 3.82 years), respectively. Patients with self-reported lipodystrophy had a greater change in body fat distribution between 3-6 years of HIV diagnosis and a negative cholesterol profile. The antiretroviral treatment time influenced total cholesterol and triglycerides, even for patients without self-reported lipodystrophy, with a further nine years under treatment. CONCLUSION: In this study, the negative cholesterol profile was mainly related to antiretroviral treatment time, even for patients without self-reported lipodystrophy, and changes in body fat distribution, measured by anthropometry, was especially associated with time for HIV infection in those with lipodystrophy self-reported.
PubMed ID: 32130384
Article link: Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992)
Genes referenced: fat4