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Foods 2022 Apr 01;117:. doi: 10.3390/foods11071025.
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Expression and Biochemical Characterization of a Novel Fucoidanase from Flavobacteriumalgicola with the Principal Product of Fucoidan-Derived Disaccharide.

Qiu Y , Jiang H , Dong Y , Wang Y , Hamouda HI , Balah MA , Mao X .

Fucoidan is one of the main polysaccharides of brown algae and echinoderm, which has nutritional and pharmacological functions. Due to the low molecular weight and exposure of more sulfate groups, oligo-fucoidan or fucoidan oligosaccharides have potential for broader applications. In this research, a novel endo-α-1,4-L-fucoidanase OUC-FaFcn1 which can degrade fucoidan into oligo-fucoidan was discovered from the fucoidan-digesting strain Flavobacterium algicola 12,076. OUC-FaFcn1 belongs to glycoside hydrolases (GH) family 107 and shows highest activity at 40 °C and pH 9.0. It can degrade the α-1,4 glycosidic bond, instead of α-1,3 glycosidic bond, of the fucoidan with a random tangent way to generate the principal product of disaccharide, which accounts for 49.4% of the total products. Therefore, OUC-FaFcn1 is a promising bio-catalyst for the preparation of fucoidan-derived disaccharide. These results further enrich the resource library of fucoidanase and provide the basis for the directional preparation of fucoidan-derived oligosaccharide with specific polymerization.

PubMed ID: 35407112
PMC ID: PMC8997789
Article link: Foods
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References [+] :
Bakunina, [Screening of marine bacteria for fucoidan hydrolases]. 2000, Pubmed, Echinobase