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J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng 2017 Apr 05;4:2055668317696236. doi: 10.1177/2055668317696236.
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Increasing physical activity in older adults using STARFISH, an interactive smartphone application (app); a pilot study.

Paul L , Brewster S , Wyke S , McFadyen AK , Sattar N , Gill JM , Dybus A , Gray CM .

Background: Increasing physical activity in older adults has preventative and therapeutic health benefits. We have developed STARFISH, a smartphone application, to increase physical activity. This paper describes the features of STARFISH, presents the views of older users on the acceptability and usability of the app and reports the results of a six week pilot study of the STARFISH app in older adults. Methods: The operationalisation of the behaviour change techniques (BCTs) within the STARFISH app was mapped against the BCT Taxonomy of Michie et al. Sixteen healthy older adults (eight women and eight men; age 71.1 ± 5.2 years) used the app, in groups of four, for six weeks. Focus groups explored the user experience and objective measure of steps per day recorded. Results: Participants were very positive about using the STARFISH app, in particular the embedded BCTs of self-monitoring, feedback and social support (in the form of group rewards). Objective step data, available for eight participants, showed that step counts increased by an average of 14% (p = 0.077, d = 0.56). Conclusion: The STARFISH app was acceptable and straightforward to use for older adults. STARFISH has potential to increase physical activity in older adults; however, a fully powered randomised controlled trial is required.

PubMed ID: 31186925
PMC ID: PMC6453053
Article link: J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng

Genes referenced: aplp1

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References [+] :
Cress, Best practices for physical activity programs and behavior counseling in older adult populations. 2005, Pubmed