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Zookeys 2013 Dec 02;357:53-65. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.357.6176.
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Ophioderma peruana, a new species of brittlestar (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Ophiodermatidae) from the Peruvian coast.

Pineda-Enríquez T , Solís-Marín FA , Hooker Y , Alfredo Laguarda-Figueras .

Ophioderma peruana sp. n. is a new species of Ophiodermatidae, extending the distribution of the genus Ophioderma to Lobos de Afuera Island, Peru, easily distinguishable from its congeners by its peculiarly fragmented dorsal arm plates. Dense granules, rounded or polygonal cover the disc, the radial shields may be naked or completely covered by granules. A good character for recognizing this species in the field is the dorsal side of the disc which is brown with disc granules lighter cream and brown, the arms are mottled with whitish spots and the ventral part of the disc on the interradial part is brown and the radial part bright yellow.

PubMed ID: 24363579
PMC ID: PMC3867169
Article link: Zookeys

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References :
Boissin, Did vicariance and adaptation drive cryptic speciation and evolution of brooding in Ophioderma longicauda (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea), a common Atlanto-Mediterranean ophiuroid? 2011, Pubmed, Echinobase