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Dev Growth Differ 1985 Jan 01;275:547-552. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.1985.00547.x.
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Acceleration of the Cleavage in Sea Urchin Eggs by Treatments with Local Anesthetics (II) Treatments with Some Other Local Anesthetics than Procaine*: (acceleration of cleavage/local anesthetics/caffeine/sea urchin eggs).

Kojima MK .

Unfertilized sea urchin eggs were exposed to sea water solutions of local anesthetics, such as caffeine, tetracaine and ethyl urethane, and the herbicide, isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (IPC) for 10min and returned to normal sea water. Then they were inseminated 5min later. When eggs were pre-treated with 1-2 mM caffeine, 0.02-0.05 mM tetracaine, 50-100 mM ethyl urethane and 2% saturated sea water of IPC, respectively, they could cleave and hatch earlier than the control eggs. However, when fertilized eggs were continuously post-treated with solutions of the agents except IPC at the same concentrations as those in the case of the pre-treatments, the fertilized eggs could not cleave or were retarded in development. The possible mechanisms of the cleavage acceleration by pre-treatments with local anesthetics were discussed.

PubMed ID: 37282094
Article link: Dev Growth Differ