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2020 Jan 01;8:e10641. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10641.
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Uncovering the hidden diversity of Mississippian crinoids (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from Poland.
Salamon MA
Ausich WI
Brachaniec T
Płachno BJ
Gorzelak P
Partial crinoid crowns and aboral cups are reported from the Mississippian of Poland for the first time. Most specimens are partially disarticulated or isolated plates, which prevent identification to genus and species, but regardless these remains indicate a rich diversity of Mississippian crinoids in Poland during the Mississippian, especially during the late Viséan. Lanecrinus? sp. is described from the late Tournaisian of the Dębnik Anticline region. A high crinoid biodiversity occurred during late Viséan of the Holy Cross Mountains, including the camerate crinoids Gilbertsocrinus? sp., Platycrinitidae Indeterminate; one flexible crinoid; and numerous eucladid crinoids, including Cyathocrinites mammillaris (Phillips), three taxa represented by partial cups left in open nomenclature, and numerous additional taxa known only from isolated radial plates, brachial plates, and columnals. To date, the youngest occurrence of Gilbertsocrinus was the early Viséan of the United States, thus the present finding in upper Viséan extends this genus range. Furthermore, the occurrence of Lanecrinus? sp. expands the Western European range of this genus into the Tournaisian. A single partially disarticulated crown, Crinoidea Indeterminate B, is described from the Serpukhovian of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. In addition, several echinoid test plates and spines are also reported.
Figure 1. General map of Poland (A) with enlarged maps of the Holy Cross Mountains (B), Upper Silesian Coal Basin (C), and DÄbnik Anticline (D) area.Modified after Marynowski, Salamon & Narkiewicz (2002), KrawczyÅski (2013), Salata (2013) and Salamon et al. (2018).
Figure 2. Stratigraphic columns of investigated sections. (A) DÄbnik Anticline area. (B) GaÅÄzice area in the Holy Cross Mountains. (C) GoÅonóg area in Upper Silesian Coal Basin.Modified after Belka & Skompski (1988), Paszkowski et al. (2008) and KrawczyÅski (2013).
Figure 3. Early Carboniferous crinoids from Poland, unless noted otherwise, all specimens are from the Ostrówka Quarry, Holy Cross Mountains. Scale bar equals 10 mm.A, B. Cladida Indeterminate A, lateral views of both sides of this incomplete crown; note distinctive morphology of the secundibrachials (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 2). C, D. Cladida Indeterminate (B) (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 3), lateral view of aboral cup (C); Oral view of of the radial facets of two radial plates. E. Crinoid Indeterminate A, internal view of the preserved plates from the base of the aboral cup (GUIS 5â3695/Ostrówka 9). F, G. Cyathocrinites mammilaris (Phillips, 1836) (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 1), (F) Lateral view of aboral cup, note large, radial facets; (G) oral view of aboral cup H, Lanecrinus? sp., crown, note stout, long pinnules (GIUS 5â543) (from Czatkowice Quarry, DÄbnik Anticline). I. pluricolumnal associated with the crown in (H), this may be a more distal portion of the column of Lanecrinus? sp. (GIUS 5â3695/Czatkowice). J. Archaeocideroid spine boss plate in a coarse crinoidal rudstone. K. Crinoidea Indeterminate B from the DÄ browa Gónicza, upper Silesian Coal Basin (Serpukhovian) (GIUS 5â3695/GoÅonóg 1).
Figure 4. Early Carboniferous crinoid columnals from Poland from the Ostrówka Quarry, Holy Cross Mountains. Scale bar equals 1 mm.(AâC) Gilbertsocrinus? sp. columnal articular facets, note crenulate perilumen and wide areola on all specimens; (A, B) nodals with epifacet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 5; GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 6); (C) internodal without epifacet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 4). D. pentagonal columnal with crenularium and relatively wide areola (GUIS 5â3695/Ostrówka 50). E. oblique view of a columnal with a narrow crenularium and a smooth latus (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 51). F. oblique view of a columnal with a narrow crenularium and a nodose latus (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 52). G. oblique view of an elongate columnal with a ridge around the columnal at mid height (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 53). H, I. Platycrinitidae Indeterminate columnal, (H) view or articular facet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 7), (I) oblique view (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 8).
Figure 5. Early Carboniferous crinoid crown plates from Poland from the Ostrówka Quarry, Holy Cross Mountains. Scale bar equals 1 mm.A-C, E, G, H. Flexibilia Indeterminate, (A) outer surface of radial plate, note notch for petaloid process, (B) inside of radial plate illustrated in (A) (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 12), (C) distal facet of brachial plate (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 14), (E) proximal facet of brachial plate with pateloid process projecting out of the image (GIUS 5â3695/ Ostrówka 13), (G) outer view of axillary plate, (H) distal view with two facets on the axillary plate illustrated in (G) (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 15). (D) Radial plate with very fine, granulose plate sculturing and a plenary radial facet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka14). (F) Radial plate with very fine, granulose plate sculturing and a peneplenary radial facet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 20). (I) Radial plate (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 21). Radial plate with very fine, granulose plate sculturing and a plenary radial facet. (J) Radial plate with a protruding, declivate radial facet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 22). (K) radial plate (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 24). (L, M) Radial plate with robust spine (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 23). (L) Proximal view with facets to adjacent plates, (distal view illustrating radial facet). (N) Outer view of a very high brachial plate with serrated sculpturing along its margins (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 40). (O, P) Low, weakly cuneate brachial plate, (O) view of facet, (P) outer surface of brachial (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 37). (Q) High, moderately cuneate brachial plates with concave lateral sides (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 38). (R) Spinose, cuneate brachial plate (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 39). (S) Very high axillary brachial plate with strongly concave sides (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 46). (T) Oblique proximal view of an axillary first primibrachial plate (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 44). (U) Brachial plate with a pinnular facet (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 45). (V) Very high axillary brachial plate (GIUS 5â3695/Ostrówka 47).
Putative Late Ordovician land plants.
2018, Pubmed
Putative Late Ordovician land plants.
Phenotypic Innovation and Adaptive Constraints in the Evolutionary Radiation of Palaeozoic Crinoids.