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PLoS One 2016 Jan 01;114:e0153670. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153670.
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Decreased Temperature Facilitates Short-Term Sea Star Wasting Disease Survival in the Keystone Intertidal Sea Star Pisaster ochraceus.

Kohl WT , McClure TI , Miner BG .

An extensive 2013 mass mortality event along the West Coast of North America due to Sea Star Wasting Disease (SSWD) has affected at least 20 species of sea stars. Among environmental factors potentially contributing to the timing of the current outbreak, increased coastal water temperatures are hypothesized to have contributed to previous and current outbreaks of SSWD. With a laboratory experiment, we tested whether cooler temperatures, similar to average winter temperatures, compared to average summer temperatures could slow the progression of morbidity or prevent SSWD mortality entirely in Pisaster ochraceus. Sea stars housed in cooler water progressed through SSWD states more slowly than sea stars housed at summer temperatures. However, the cooler temperature did not prevent SSWD mortality, and all stars died of the disease. Our data are consistent with experimental studies and field observations during previous and current outbreaks, and support the hypothesis that changes in coastal water temperatures have influenced one of the largest disease related mass mortality events in our oceans.

PubMed ID: 27128673
PMC ID: PMC4851418
Article link: PLoS One

Genes referenced: LOC100887844

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References [+] :
Baross, Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and related hemolytic vibrios in marine environments of Washington State. 1970, Pubmed