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Meltwater sediment transport as the dominating process in mid-latitude trough mouth fan formation.
Bellwald B
Planke S
Becker LWM
Myklebust R
Trough mouth fans comprise the largest sediment deposits along glaciated margins, and record Pleistocene climate changes on a multi-decadal time scale. Here we present a model for the formation of the North Sea Fan derived from detailed horizon and attribute interpretations of high-resolution processed 3D seismic reflection data. The interpretation shows that stacked channel-levee systems form up to 400 m thick sedimentary sequences. The channels are elongated and can be traced from the shelf edge towards the deep basin for distances of >150 km, and document long-distance sediment transport in completely disintegrated water-rich turbidite flows. Downslope sediment transport was a continuous process during shelf-edge glaciations, reaching accumulation rates of 100 m/kyr. Our data highlight that exceptionally large volumes of meltwater may discharge to the slopes of trough mouth fans and trigger erosive turbidite flows. We conclude that freshwater supply is likely an underestimated factor for sedimentary processes during glacial cycles.
Fig. 1. Two types of sedimentary systems forming trough mouth fans.a Glacigenic debris flow dominated model implying temporarily stored sediment (glacial wedge) and non-disintegrating sediment transport. b Meltwater dominated model implying continuous channelized sediment transport in water-rich flows and surface plumites. Arrows indicating glacial meltwater are conceptual and not absolute values.
Fig. 2. Oblique view of the bathymetry of the North Sea Fan.a The extent of the high-resolution processed 3D seismic data (red line) and the North Sea Fan (white line) are outlined. Locations of the piston cores (red dots), Troll 8903 borehole (yellow dot), seismic profile of Fig. 3 (dashed line) and maps of Figs. 4–6 (white boxes) are shown. Vertical exaggeration is 25× for offshore and 2.5× for onshore domains. Scale bar approximate for central part of figure. b Piston cores used for age correlation (modified after39). Peaks in sand content (grain size >63 μm) indicate iceberg disintegration. IRD ice-rafted debris counts in thousands.
Fig. 3. Seismic stratigraphy of the deposits related to the last glaciation (Weichselian, MIS 2) of the North Sea Fan.Eight glacial sub-units are colored in yellow to red, and are indicated by arrows. The top reflections of the sub-units can have a negative-amplitude reflection (54, 56–58), or a positive amplitude reflection (52, 53, and 55). Deep, V-shaped depressions are recognized both at the top of the sub-units and along reflections within the sub-units. Contourites (light grey), Tampen Slide MTD (dark grey), GDFs related to the Saalian glaciation (MIS 6, light yellow to light red), and paleo-shelf break positions (black triangles) are shown. MIS marine isotope stage, MTD mass transport deposit. Profile located in Fig. 2a. V.E. vertical exaggeration. For uninterpreted seismic profile see Supplementary Fig. 2.
Fig. 4. Examples showing the detailed morphology of channels, using zoomed seismic profiles, structure, and horizon attribute maps.a Deeply eroded, wide channels on Horizon 54 (red line). Channel 1 crosscuts underling Horizons 55 and 56. b Channel-levee system on Horizon 55 (red line). The overlying channel (Horizon 54) is eroding into Horizon 55. Channels have harder amplitudes than levees. c Link between channels (infill) and levees on Horizon 57. The channels have high negative amplitudes (very soft), whereas the elongated levees have low negative amplitudes (soft). The location of the maps is shown in Fig. 2a and the stratigraphical position of the different horizons in Fig. 3. V.E. vertical exaggeration. For detailed interpretation of seismic profiles, see Supplementary Fig. 4. Seismic data courtesy of TGS.
Fig. 5. Seismic geomorphology of the uppermost channel-levee system.a Minimum amplitude extraction of Horizon 51 showing seismic response of channel-levee system. b Seismic profile across channel-levee system highlighting levee geometry and levee facies. Horizon 51 (red line) and Horizon 52 (yellow line) are shown. Seismic data courtesy of TGS.
Fig. 6. North Sea Fan at the beginning of the last glaciation.3D view of the Horizon Base MIS 2 (Fig. 2) draped by the minimum amplitude extraction in a window of 30 ms. The very soft bands (blue) are interpreted as channels of seismically distinct turbidite flows at the initiation of the last shelf-edge glaciation (t = 23 kyr). The Norwegian Channel Ice Stream, located at the shelf edge, forms two sediment sources at that time (indicated by A and B), from where meltwater turbidites fill the escarpment shaped by the Tampen Slide.
Fig. 7. Conceptual model for sedimentation during the last glaciation (MIS2).Meltwater turbidites and turbid-surface plumites are the dominating processes, and result in channel-levee systems on the North Sea Fan. Continuous sediment transport in water-rich flows build an up to 450 m thick sediment sequence in the time period of 23 to 19 ka. Dimensions are approximate, and given in km.
Newly recognized turbidity current structure can explain prolonged flushing of submarine canyons.
2017, Pubmed
Newly recognized turbidity current structure can explain prolonged flushing of submarine canyons.
Anatomy of a glacial meltwater discharge event in an Antarctic cove.