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Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014 Jan 01;584:1862-71. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00686-13.
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Fucosylated chondroitin sulfate inhibits Plasmodium falciparum cytoadhesion and merozoite invasion.

Bastos MF , Albrecht L , Kozlowski EO , Lopes SC , Blanco YC , Carlos BC , Castiñeiras C , Vicente CP , Werneck CC , Wunderlich G , Ferreira MU , Marinho CR , Mourão PA , Pavão MS , Costa FT .

Sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (Pf-iEs) in the microvasculature of vital organs plays a key role in the pathogenesis of life-threatening malaria complications, such as cerebral malaria and malaria in pregnancy. This phenomenon is marked by the cytoadhesion of Pf-iEs to host receptors on the surfaces of endothelial cells, on noninfected erythrocytes, and in the placental trophoblast; therefore, these sites are potential targets for antiadhesion therapies. In this context, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including heparin, have shown the ability to inhibit Pf-iE cytoadherence and growth. Nevertheless, the use of heparin was discontinued due to serious side effects, such as bleeding. Other GAG-based therapies were hampered due to the potential risk of contamination with prions and viruses, as some GAGs are isolated from mammals. In this context, we investigated the effects and mechanism of action of fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (FucCS), a unique and highly sulfated GAG isolated from the sea cucumber, with respect to P. falciparum cytoadhesion and development. FucCS was effective in inhibiting the cytoadherence of Pf-iEs to human lung endothelial cells and placenta cryosections under static and flow conditions. Removal of the sulfated fucose branches of the FucCS structure virtually abolished the inhibitory effects of FucCS. Importantly, FucCS rapidly disrupted rosettes at high levels, and it was also able to block parasite development by interfering with merozoite invasion. Collectively, these findings highlight the potential of FucCS as a candidate for adjunct therapy against severe malaria.

PubMed ID: 24395239
PMC ID: PMC4023758
Article link: Antimicrob Agents Chemother

Genes referenced: LOC100887844

References [+] :
, Severe falciparum malaria. World Health Organization, Communicable Diseases Cluster. 2000, Pubmed