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Fish Shellfish Immunol 2015 Aug 01;452:431-6. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2015.04.014.
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MiR-200 modulates coelomocytes antibacterial activities and LPS priming via targeting Tollip in Apostichopus japonicus.

Lv Z , Li C , Zhang P , Wang Z , Zhang W , Jin CH .

In order to explore the potential roles of microRNAs (miRNAs) in regulating Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathways, we identified Toll interacting protein as a putative target of miR-200 in Apostichopus japonicus coelomocytes by RNA-seq screening (denoted as AjTollip). The positive expression profiles of miR-200 and AjTollip were detected in both LPS exposure primary coelomocytes and Vibrio splendidus challenge sea cucumber. Co-infection miR-200 mimics significantly elevated the expression of AjTollip and its down-stream molecules. In contrast, miR-200 inhibitor significantly repressed the expression of these TLR-pathway members. More importantly, miR-200 displayed not only to enhance coelomocytes antibacterial activities, but to suppress LPS priming in vitro. Overall, all these results will enhance our understanding on miR-200 regulatory roles in anti-bacterial process in sea cucumber.

PubMed ID: 25910848
Article link: Fish Shellfish Immunol

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC115923479 tollip