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Sci Rep 2021 Aug 05;111:15918. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95211-3.
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Long-term endogenous acetylcholine deficiency potentiates pulmonary inflammation in a murine model of elastase-induced emphysema.

Banzato R , Pinheiro NM , Olivo CR , Santana FR , Lopes FDTQS , Caperuto LC , Câmara NO , Martins MA , Tibério IFLC , Prado MAM , Prado VF , Prado CM .

Acetylcholine (ACh), the neurotransmitter of the cholinergic system, regulates inflammation in several diseases including pulmonary diseases. ACh is also involved in a non-neuronal mechanism that modulates the innate immune response. Because inflammation and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines are involved in pulmonary emphysema, we hypothesized that vesicular acetylcholine transport protein (VAChT) deficiency, which leads to reduction in ACh release, can modulate lung inflammation in an experimental model of emphysema. Mice with genetical reduced expression of VAChT (VAChT KDHOM 70%) and wild-type mice (WT) received nasal instillation of 50 uL of porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE) or saline on day 0. Twenty-eight days after, animals were evaluated. Elastase instilled VAChT KDHOM mice presented an increase in macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and MAC2-positive macrophages in lung tissue and peribronchovascular area that was comparable to that observed in WT mice. Conversely, elastase instilled VAChT KDHOM mice showed significantly larger number of NF-κB-positive cells and isoprostane staining in the peribronchovascular area when compared to elastase-instilled WT-mice. Moreover, elastase-instilled VAChT-deficient mice showed increased MCP-1 levels in the lungs. Other cytokines, extracellular matrix remodeling, alveolar enlargement, and lung function were not worse in elastase-instilled VAChT deficiency than in elastase-instilled WT-controls. These data suggest that decreased VAChT expression may contribute to the pathogenesis of emphysema, at least in part, through NF-κB activation, MCP-1, and oxidative stress pathways. This study highlights novel pathways involved in lung inflammation that may contribute to the development of chronic obstrutive lung disease (COPD) in cholinergic deficient individuals such as Alzheimer's disease patients.

PubMed ID: 34354132
Article link: Sci Rep

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Agustí, Update in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 2011. 2012, Pubmed