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Curr Top Dev Biol 2022 Jan 01;147:153-172. doi: 10.1016/bs.ctdb.2022.01.003.
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Studying development, regeneration, stem cells, and more in the acoel Hofstenia miamia.

Srivastava M .

Acoel worms represent an enigmatic lineage of animals (Acoelomorpha) that has danced around the tree of animal life. Morphology-based classification placed them as flatworms (Phylum Platyhelminthes), with much of their biology being interpreted as a variation on what is observed in better-studied members of that phylum. However, molecular phylogenies suggest that acoels belong to a clade (Xenacoelomorpha) that could be a sister group to other animals with bilateral symmetry (Bilateria) or could belong within deuterostomes, closely related to a group that includes sea stars (Ambulacraria). This change in phylogenetic position has led to renewed interest in the biology of acoels, which can now offer insights into the evolution of many bilaterian traits. The acoel Hofstenia miamia has emerged as a powerful new research organism that enables mechanistic studies of xenacoelomorph biology, especially of developmental and regenerative processes. This article explains the motivation for developing Hofstenia as a new model system, describes Hofstenia biology, highlights the tools and resources that make Hofstenia a good research organism, and considers the questions that Hofstenia is well-positioned to answer. Finally, looking to the future, this article serves as an invitation to new and established scientists to join the growing community of researchers studying this exciting model system.

PubMed ID: 35337448
Article link: Curr Top Dev Biol
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