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Nat Prod Commun 2016 Jun 01;116:741-6.
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Colochiroside E, an Unusual Non-holostane Triterpene Sulfated Trioside from the Sea Cucumber Colochirus robustus and Evidence of the Impossibility of a 7(8)-Double Bond Migration in Lanostane Derivatives having an 18(16)-Lactone.

Silchenko AS , Kalinovsky AI , Avilov SA , Andryjaschenko PV , Dmitrenok PS , Yurchenko EA , Dolmatov IY , Dautov SSh , Stonik VA , Kalinin VI .

The unusual non-holostane triterpene glycoside, colochiroside E (1) was isolated from the sea cucumber Colochirus robustus (Cucumariidae, Dendrochirotida). The structure of 1 was established by analysis of 1D, 2D NMR and HRESI MS data. Colochiroside E (1) belongs to a rare group of glycosylated 9β-H-lanosta-18(16)-lactones and has an unprecedented sulfated trisaccharide carbohydrate chain consisting of two glucose and one xylose units. In contrast with (9β-H)-7(8)-unsaturated holostane glycosides, the 7(8)-double bond in the having (9β-H)-configuration aglycone of colochiroside E is not capable of migration into the 8(9)- and then into the 9(11)-position on treatment with HCl. The formation of a chlorine derivative of 1 was observed under these conditions.

PubMed ID: 27534106

Genes referenced: LOC100887844