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Summary Expression Gene Literature (45) GO Terms (0) Nucleotides (1) Proteins (1) Interactants (70) Wiki

Papers associated with LOC105441151

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A sea urchin in vivo model to evaluate Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition., Romancino DP, Anello L, Lavanco A, Buffa V, Di Bernardo M, Bongiovanni A., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 2017; 59 (3): 141-151.

Cytotoxic effects of the anthraquinone derivatives 1''-deoxyrhodoptilometrin and (S)-(-)-rhodoptilometrin isolated from the marine echinoderm Comanthus sp., Wätjen W, Ebada SS, Bergermann A, Chovolou Y, Totzke F, Kubbutat MHG, Lin W, Proksch P., Arch Toxicol. March 1, 2017; 91 (3): 1485-1495.

In vitro Anticancer Activities of Some Triterpene Glycosides from Holothurians of Cucumariidae, Stichopodidae, Psolidae, Holothuriidae and Synaptidae families., Fedorov SN, Dyshlovoy SA, Kuzmich AS, Shubina L, Avilov SA, Silchenko AS, Bode AM, Dong Z, Stonik VA., Nat Prod Commun. September 1, 2016; 11 (9): 1239-1242.

Four New Sulfated Polar Steroids from the Far Eastern Starfish Leptasterias ochotensis: Structures and Activities., Malyarenko TV, Malyarenko Vishchuk OS, Ivanchina NV, Kalinovsky AI, Popov RS, Kicha AA., Mar Drugs. July 16, 2015; 13 (7): 4418-35.   

Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) activates the NO-epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated signaling pathway in bradykinin-stimulated angiogenesis., Moraes MS, Costa PE, Batista WL, Paschoalin T, Curcio MF, Borges RE, Taha MO, Fonseca FV, Stern A, Monteiro HP., Arch Biochem Biophys. September 15, 2014; 558 14-27.

Sperm proteases and extracellular ubiquitin-proteasome system involved in fertilization of ascidians and sea urchins., Sawada H, Mino M, Akasaka M., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2014; 759 1-11.

Proteolytic processing of von Willebrand factor by adamts13 and leukocyte proteases., Lancellotti S, Basso M, De Cristofaro R., Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis. September 2, 2013; 5 (1): e2013058.   

The Nkx5/HMX homeodomain protein MLS-2 is required for proper tube cell shape in the C. elegans excretory system., Abdus-Saboor I, Stone CE, Murray JI, Sundaram MV., Dev Biol. June 15, 2012; 366 (2): 298-307.

Repeated evolution of identical domain architecture in metazoan netrin domain-containing proteins., Leclère L, Rentzsch F., Genome Biol Evol. January 1, 2012; 4 (9): 883-99.   

Proliferative effects on neural stem/progenitor cells of a sulfated polysaccharide purified from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus., Zhang Y, Song S, Song D, Liang H, Wang W, Ji A., J Biosci Bioeng. January 1, 2010; 109 (1): 67-72.

Constituents of the sea cucumber Cucumaria okhotensis. Structures of okhotosides B1-B3 and cytotoxic activities of some glycosides from this species., Silchenko AS, Avilov SA, Kalinin VI, Kalinovsky AI, Dmitrenok PS, Fedorov SN, Stepanov VG, Dong Z, Stonik VA., J Nat Prod. March 1, 2008; 71 (3): 351-6.

The protease domain of procollagen C-proteinase (BMP1) lacks substrate selectivity, which is conferred by non-proteolytic domains., Wermter C, Höwel M, Hintze V, Bombosch B, Aufenvenne K, Yiallouros I, Stöcker W., Biol Chem. May 1, 2007; 388 (5): 513-21.

The interaction of recombinant subdomains of the procollagen C-proteinase with procollagen I provides a quantitative explanation for functional differences between the two splice variants, mammalian tolloid and bone morphogenetic protein 1., Hintze V, Höwel M, Wermter C, Grosse Berkhoff E, Becker-Pauly C, Beermann B, Yiallouros I, Stöcker W., Biochemistry. May 30, 2006; 45 (21): 6741-8.

Identification of an astacin-like metallo-proteinase transcript from the infective larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis., Gomez Gallego S, Loukas A, Slade RW, Neva FA, Varatharajalu R, Nutman TB, Brindley PJ., Parasitol Int. June 1, 2005; 54 (2): 123-33.

A Fringe-modified Notch signal affects specification of mesoderm and endoderm in the sea urchin embryo., Peterson RE, McClay DR., Dev Biol. June 1, 2005; 282 (1): 126-37.

Philinopside A, a novel marine-derived compound possessing dual anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor effects., Tong Y, Zhang X, Tian F, Yi Y, Xu Q, Li L, Tong L, Lin L, Ding J., Int J Cancer. May 10, 2005; 114 (6): 843-53.

Transforming potential of alternatively spliced variants of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 in human mammary epithelial cells., Moffa AB, Tannheimer SL, Ethier SP., Mol Cancer Res. November 1, 2004; 2 (11): 643-52.

Characterization of the upstream region that regulates the transcription of the gene for the precursor to EGF-related peptides, exogastrula-inducing peptides, of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina., Horii K, Suzuki G, Suyemitsu T, Yamasu K., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. September 1, 2003; 136 (1): 15-26.

Bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1). Identification of the minimal domain structure for procollagen C-proteinase activity., Hartigan N, Garrigue-Antar L, Kadler KE., J Biol Chem. May 16, 2003; 278 (20): 18045-9.

Genomic organization of the gene that encodes the precursor to EGF-related peptides, exogastrula-inducing peptides, of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina., Haruguchi Y, Horii K, Suzuki G, Suyemitsu T, Ishihara K, Yamasu K., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 12, 2002; 1574 (3): 311-20.

MUP-4 is a novel transmembrane protein with functions in epithelial cell adhesion in Caenorhabditis elegans., Hong L, Elbl T, Ward J, Franzini-Armstrong C, Rybicka KK, Gatewood BK, Baillie DL, Bucher EA., J Cell Biol. July 23, 2001; 154 (2): 403-14.   

Interaction properties of human mannan-binding lectin (MBL)-associated serine proteases-1 and -2, MBL-associated protein 19, and MBL., Thielens NM, Cseh S, Thiel S, Vorup-Jensen T, Rossi V, Jensenius JC, Arlaud GJ., J Immunol. April 15, 2001; 166 (8): 5068-77.

Characterization and developmental expression of the amphioxus homolog of Notch (AmphiNotch): evolutionary conservation of multiple expression domains in amphioxus and vertebrates., Holland LZ, Rached LA, Tamme R, Holland ND, Kortschak D, Inoko H, Shiina T, Burgtorf C, Lardelli M., Dev Biol. April 15, 2001; 232 (2): 493-507.

A rapidly diverging EGF protein regulates species-specific signal transduction in early sea urchin development., Kamei N, Swanson WJ, Glabe CG., Dev Biol. September 15, 2000; 225 (2): 267-76.

Association of the sea urchin EGF-related peptide, EGIP-D, with fasciclin I-related ECM proteins from the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina., Hirate Y, Tomita K, Yamamoto S, Kobari K, Uemura I, Yamasu K, Suyemitsu T., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 1999; 41 (4): 483-94.

Characterization of the role of cadherin in regulating cell adhesion during sea urchin development., Miller JR, McClay DR., Dev Biol. December 15, 1997; 192 (2): 323-39.

Disruption of gastrulation and oral-aboral ectoderm differentiation in the Lytechinus pictus embryo by a dominant/negative PDGF receptor., Ramachandran RK, Wikramanayake AH, Uzman JA, Govindarajan V, Tomlinson CR., Development. June 1, 1997; 124 (12): 2355-64.

The sea urchin sperm receptor for egg jelly is a modular protein with extensive homology to the human polycystic kidney disease protein, PKD1., Moy GW, Mendoza LM, Schulz JR, Swanson WJ, Glabe CG, Vacquier VD., J Cell Biol. May 1, 1996; 133 (4): 809-17.

Role for platelet-derived growth factor-like and epidermal growth factor-like signaling pathways in gastrulation and spiculogenesis in the Lytechinus sea urchin embryo., Ramachandran RK, Govindarajan V, Seid CA, Patil S, Tomlinson CR., Dev Dyn. September 1, 1995; 204 (1): 77-88.

Evolution of the fibropellin gene family and patterns of fibropellin gene expression in sea urchin phylogeny., Bisgrove BW, Andrews ME, Raff RA., J Mol Evol. July 1, 1995; 41 (1): 34-45.

Molecular cloning of a cDNA that encodes the precursor to several exogastrula-inducing peptides, epidermal-growth-factor-related polypeptides of the sea urchin Anthocidaris crassispina., Yamasu K, Watanabe H, Kohchi C, Soma G, Mizuno D, Akasaka K, Shimada H, Suyemitsu T, Ishihara K., Eur J Biochem. March 1, 1995; 228 (2): 515-23.

Characterization of a homolog of human bone morphogenetic protein 1 in the embryo of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Hwang SP, Partin JS, Lennarz WJ., Development. March 1, 1994; 120 (3): 559-68.

Identification of a human epidermal growth factor receptor-associated protein kinase as a new member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase family., Williams R, Sanghera J, Wu F, Carbonaro-Hall D, Campbell DL, Warburton D, Pelech S, Hall F., J Biol Chem. August 25, 1993; 268 (24): 18213-7.

The SpEGF III gene encodes a member of the fibropellins: EGF repeat-containing proteins that form the apical lamina of the sea urchin embryo., Bisgrove BW, Raff RA., Dev Biol. June 1, 1993; 157 (2): 526-38.

A GPI-anchored sea urchin sperm membrane protein containing EGF domains is related to human uromodulin., Mendoza LM, Nishioka D, Vacquier VD., J Cell Biol. June 1, 1993; 121 (6): 1291-7.

Identification of epidermal growth factor Thr-669 phosphorylation site peptide kinases as distinct MAP kinases and p34cdc2., Sanghera JS, Hall FL, Warburton D, Campbell D, Pelech SL., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 29, 1992; 1135 (3): 335-42.

Erks: their fifteen minutes has arrived., Crews CM, Alessandrini A, Erikson RL., Cell Growth Differ. February 1, 1992; 3 (2): 135-42.

[Growth factor from the tissues of the marine mollusk Mytilus edulis]., Odintsova NA, Nesterov AM, Korchagina DA., Tsitologiia. January 1, 1992; 34 (10): 90-6.

Spatial and temporal expression pattern during sea urchin embryogenesis of a gene coding for a protease homologous to the human protein BMP-1 and to the product of the Drosophila dorsal-ventral patterning gene tolloid., Lepage T, Ghiglione C, Gache C., Development. January 1, 1992; 114 (1): 147-63.

Fibropellins, products of an EGF repeat-containing gene, form a unique extracellular matrix structure that surrounds the sea urchin embryo., Bisgrove BW, Andrews ME, Raff RA., Dev Biol. July 1, 1991; 146 (1): 89-99.

Expression of two mRNAs encoding EGF-related proteins identifies subregions of sea urchin embryonic ectoderm., Grimwade JE, Gagnon ML, Yang Q, Angerer RC, Angerer LM., Dev Biol. January 1, 1991; 143 (1): 44-57.

A sea urchin gene containing multiple EGF repeats is similar to vertebrate EGF-containing genes., Raff RA., Mol Reprod Dev. September 1, 1990; 27 (1): 66-72.

Homologs of vertebrate growth factors in Drosophila melanogaster and other invertebrates., Muskavitch MA, Hoffmann FM., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 1990; 24 289-328.

Unusual pattern of accumulation of mRNA encoding EGF-related protein in sea urchin embryos., Yang Q, Angerer LM, Angerer RC., Science. November 10, 1989; 246 (4931): 806-8.

Structural analysis of the uEGF gene in the sea urchin strongylocentrotus purpuratus reveals more similarity to vertebrate than to invertebrate genes with EGF-like repeats., Delgadillo-Reynoso MG, Rollo DR, Hursh DA, Raff RA., J Mol Evol. October 1, 1989; 29 (4): 314-27.

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