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Summary Expression Gene Literature (11969) GO Terms (0) Nucleotides (8) Proteins (2) Interactants (1441) Wiki

Papers associated with LOC100887844 (and span)

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Shifts in seawater chemistry disrupt trophic links within a simple shoreline food web., Jellison BM, Gaylord B., Oecologia. August 1, 2019; 190 (4): 955-967.

Different Life Histories and Life Styles in Spatangoid Echinoids Living in the Shallow Sublittoral Zone in the Oki-Islands, Japan., Saitoh M, Kanazawa K., Zoolog Sci. February 1, 2019; 36 (1): 38-51.

New Neuronal Subtypes With a "Pre-Pancreatic" Signature in the Sea Urchin Stongylocentrotus purpuratus., Perillo M, Paganos P, Mattiello T, Cocurullo M, Oliveri P, Arnone MI., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2018; 9 650.   

Sensitivity of sea urchin fertilization to pH varies across a natural pH mosaic., Kapsenberg L, Okamoto DK, Dutton JM, Hofmann GE., Ecol Evol. March 1, 2017; 7 (6): 1737-1750.   

Genomes of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and Lytechinus variegatus: are there any genomic explanations for the two order of magnitude difference in the lifespan of sea urchins?, Sergiev PV, Artemov AA, Prokhortchouk EB, Dontsova OA, Berezkin GV., Aging (Albany NY). February 1, 2016; 8 (2): 260-71.   

EchinoDB, an application for comparative transcriptomics of deeply-sampled clades of echinoderms., Janies DA, Witter Z, Linchangco GV, Foltz DW, Miller AK, Kerr AM, Jay J, Reid RW, Wray GA., BMC Bioinformatics. January 22, 2016; 17 48.   

De Novo Adult Transcriptomes of Two European Brittle Stars: Spotlight on Opsin-Based Photoreception., Delroisse J, Mallefet J, Flammang P., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (4): e0152988.   

Recovery of Coastal Fauna after the 2011 Tsunami in Japan as Determined by Bimonthly Underwater Visual Censuses Conducted over Five Years., Masuda R, Hatakeyama M, Yokoyama K, Tanaka M., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (12): e0168261.   

Diversity of animal immune receptors and the origins of recognition complexity in the deuterostomes., Buckley KM, Rast JP., Dev Comp Immunol. March 1, 2015; 49 (1): 179-89.

Revealing transient structures of nucleosomes as DNA unwinds., Chen Y, Tokuda JM, Topping T, Sutton JL, Meisburger SP, Pabit SA, Gloss LM, Pollack L., Nucleic Acids Res. July 1, 2014; 42 (13): 8767-76.   

Expression pattern of vascular endothelial growth factor 2 during sea urchin development., Kipryushina YO, Yakovlev KV, Kulakova MA, Odintsova NA., Gene Expr Patterns. December 1, 2013; 13 (8): 402-6.

Oxidative damage and cellular defense mechanisms in sea urchin models of aging., Du C, Anderson A, Lortie M, Parsons R, Bodnar A., Free Radic Biol Med. October 1, 2013; 63 254-63.

Proteomic profiles reveal age-related changes in coelomic fluid of sea urchin species with different life spans., Bodnar A., Exp Gerontol. May 1, 2013; 48 (5): 525-30.

Fixed, free, and fixed: the fickle phylogeny of extant Crinoidea (Echinodermata) and their Permian-Triassic origin., Rouse GW, Jermiin LS, Wilson NG, Eeckhaut I, Lanterbecq D, Oji T, Young CM, Browning T, Cisternas P, Helgen LE, Stuckey M, Messing CG., Mol Phylogenet Evol. January 1, 2013; 66 (1): 161-81.

Correlations between the biochemistry and mechanical states of a sea-urchin ligament: a mutable collagenous structure., Ribeiro AR, Barbaglio A, Oliveira MJ, Santos R, Coelho AV, Ribeiro CC, Wilkie IC, Carnevali MD, Barbosa MA., Biointerphases. December 1, 2012; 7 (1-4): 38.

Age-related changes in gene expression in tissues of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Loram J, Bodnar A., Mech Ageing Dev. May 1, 2012; 133 (5): 338-47.

Habitat and scale shape the demographic fate of the keystone sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in Mediterranean macrophyte communities., Prado P, Tomas F, Pinna S, Farina S, Roca G, Ceccherelli G, Romero J, Alcoverro T., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (4): e35170.   

The anti-tumor activities of cerebrosides derived from sea cucumber Acaudina molpadioides and starfish Asterias amurensis in vitro and in vivo., Du L, Li ZJ, Xu J, Wang JF, Xue Y, Xue CH, Takahashi K, Wang YM., J Oleo Sci. January 1, 2012; 61 (6): 321-30.

Radioprotective properties of Cumaside, a complex of triterpene glycosides from the sea cucumber Cucumaria japonica and cholesterol., Aminin DL, Zaporozhets TS, Adryjashchenko PV, Avilov SA, Kalinin VI, Stonik VA., Nat Prod Commun. May 1, 2011; 6 (5): 587-92.

SpBase: the sea urchin genome database and web site., Cameron RA, Samanta M, Yuan A, He D, Davidson E., Nucleic Acids Res. January 1, 2009; 37 (Database issue): D750-4.   

Waterborne cues from crabs induce thicker skeletons, smaller gonads and size-specific changes in growth rate in sea urchins., Selden R, Johnson AS, Ellers O., Mar Biol. January 1, 2009; 156 (5): 1057-1071.   

Context-dependent effects of fishing: variation in trophic cascades across environmental gradients., Shears NT, Babcock RC, Salomon AK., Ecol Appl. December 1, 2008; 18 (8): 1860-73.

Meprins, membrane-bound and secreted astacin metalloproteinases., Sterchi EE, Stöcker W, Bond JS., Mol Aspects Med. October 1, 2008; 29 (5): 309-28.

Effects of environmental stress on intertidal mussels and their sea star predators., Petes LE, Mouchka ME, Milston-Clements RH, Momoda TS, Menge BA., Oecologia. June 1, 2008; 156 (3): 671-80.

Reproduction on the edge: large-scale patterns of individual performance in a marine invertebrate., Lester SE, Gaines SD, Kinlan BP., Ecology. September 1, 2007; 88 (9): 2229-39.

Characterization of the telomere regions of scleractinian coral, Acropora surculosa., Sinclair CS, Richmond RH, Ostrander GK., Genetica. March 1, 2007; 129 (3): 227-33.

Generation, annotation, evolutionary analysis, and database integration of 20,000 unique sea urchin EST clusters., Poustka AJ, Groth D, Hennig S, Thamm S, Cameron A, Beck A, Reinhardt R, Herwig R, Panopoulou G, Lehrach H., Genome Res. December 1, 2003; 13 (12): 2736-46.

250 million years of bindin evolution., Zigler KS, Lessios HA., Biol Bull. August 1, 2003; 205 (1): 8-15.

MUP-4 is a novel transmembrane protein with functions in epithelial cell adhesion in Caenorhabditis elegans., Hong L, Elbl T, Ward J, Franzini-Armstrong C, Rybicka KK, Gatewood BK, Baillie DL, Bucher EA., J Cell Biol. July 23, 2001; 154 (2): 403-14.   

Sea-urchin granuloma: histologic profile. A pathologic study of 50 biopsies., De La Torre C, Toribio J., J Cutan Pathol. May 1, 2001; 28 (5): 223-8.

SpSoxB1 serves an essential architectural function in the promoter SpAN, a tolloid/BMP1-related gene., Kenny AP, Angerer LM, Angerer RC., Gene Expr. January 1, 2001; 9 (6): 283-90.

Spatial expression of Hox cluster genes in the ontogeny of a sea urchin., Arenas-Mena C, Cameron AR, Davidson EH., Development. November 1, 2000; 127 (21): 4631-43.

SpSoxB1, a maternally encoded transcription factor asymmetrically distributed among early sea urchin blastomeres., Kenny AP, Kozlowski D, Oleksyn DW, Angerer LM, Angerer RC., Development. December 1, 1999; 126 (23): 5473-83.

Regulation of BMP signaling by the BMP1/TLD-related metalloprotease, SpAN., Wardle FC, Angerer LM, Angerer RC, Dale L., Dev Biol. February 1, 1999; 206 (1): 63-72.

Does the respiratory rate in sea urchin embryos increase during early development without proliferation of mitochondria?, Fujiwara A, Yasumasu I., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 1997; 39 (2): 179-89.

hch-1, a gene required for normal hatching and normal migration of a neuroblast in C. elegans, encodes a protein related to TOLLOID and BMP-1., Hishida R, Ishihara T, Kondo K, Katsura I., EMBO J. August 15, 1996; 15 (16): 4111-22.

Characterization of a SpAN promoter sufficient to mediate correct spatial regulation along the animal-vegetal axis of the sea urchin embryo., Kozlowski DJ, Gagnon ML, Marchant JK, Reynolds SD, Angerer LM, Angerer RC., Dev Biol. May 25, 1996; 176 (1): 95-107.

The univin gene encodes a member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily with restricted expression in the sea urchin embryo., Stenzel P, Angerer LM, Smith BJ, Angerer RC, Vale WW., Dev Biol. November 1, 1994; 166 (1): 149-58.

Early mRNAs, spatially restricted along the animal-vegetal axis of sea urchin embryos, include one encoding a protein related to tolloid and BMP-1., Reynolds SD, Angerer LM, Palis J, Nasir A, Angerer RC., Development. March 1, 1992; 114 (3): 769-86.

Generation of different nucleosome spacing periodicities in vitro. Possible origin of cell type specificity., Stein A, Mitchell M., J Mol Biol. October 20, 1988; 203 (4): 1029-43.

Spec3: embryonic expression of a sea urchin gene whose product is involved in ectodermal ciliogenesis., Eldon ED, Angerer LM, Angerer RC, Klein WH., Genes Dev. December 1, 1987; 1 (10): 1280-92.

Consistent synchronization and circaseptennian (about-7-yearly) modulation of circannual gonadal index rhythm of three marine invertebrates., Halberg F, Halberg F, Sothern RB, Pearse JS, Pearse VB, Shankaraiah K, Giese AC., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1987; 227A 225-38.

The structural organization of the chicken calmodulin gene., Simmen RC, Tanaka T, Ts'ui KF, Putkey JA, Scott MJ, Lai EC, Means AR., J Biol Chem. January 25, 1985; 260 (2): 907-12.

DNA and RNA synthesis by fertilised, cleavage arrested sea urchin eggs., Brookbank JW., Differentiation. March 16, 1976; 6 (1): 33-9.


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