Results 1 - 50 of 76 results
Dwarf brooder versus giant broadcaster: combining genetic and reproductive data to unravel cryptic diversity in an Antarctic brittle star. , Jossart Q, Sands CJ, Sewell MA., Heredity (Edinb). November 1, 2019; 123 (5): 622-633.
MiR-200-3p Is Potentially Involved in Cell Cycle Arrest by Regulating Cyclin A during Aestivation in Apostichopus japonicus. , Wang S, Chen M, Yin Y, Storey KB., Cells. August 6, 2019; 8 (8):
Sea urchins mediate the availability of kelp detritus to benthic consumers. , Yorke CE, Page HM, Miller RJ., Proc Biol Sci. July 10, 2019; 286 (1906): 20190846.
New morphological and genetic data of Gigantorhynchus echinodiscus (Diesing, 1851) (Acanthocephala: Archiacanthocephala) in the giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus, 1758 (Pilosa: Myrmecophagidae). , Nascimento Gomes AP, Cesário CS, Olifiers N, de Cassia Bianchi R, Maldonado A, Vilela RDV., Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. July 10, 2019; 10 281-288.
Putatively adaptive genetic variation in the giant California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) as revealed by environmental association analysis of restriction-site associated DNA sequencing data. , Xuereb A, Kimber CM, Curtis JMR, Bernatchez L, Fortin MJ., Mol Ecol. December 1, 2018; 27 (24): 5035-5048.
Emulsion-Assisted Polymerization-Induced Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Giant Sea Urchin-like Aggregates on a Large Scale. , Xu Q, Huang T, Li S, Li K, Li C, Liu Y, Wang Y , Yu C, Zhou Y., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. July 2, 2018; 57 (27): 8043-8047.
Asymmetric oceanographic processes mediate connectivity and population genetic structure, as revealed by RADseq, in a highly dispersive marine invertebrate (Parastichopus californicus). , Xuereb A, Benestan L, Normandeau É, Daigle RM, Curtis JMR, Bernatchez L, Fortin MJ., Mol Ecol. May 1, 2018; 27 (10): 2347-2364.
Giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, increases faunal diversity through physical engineering. , Miller RJ, Lafferty KD, Lamy T, Kui L, Rassweiler A, Reed DC., Proc Biol Sci. March 14, 2018; 285 (1874):
The complex simplicity of the brittle star nervous system. , Zueva O , Khoury M, Heinzeller T, Mashanova D, Mashanov V ., Front Zool. February 1, 2018; 15 1.
Conceptual and empirical advances in Neotropical biodiversity research. , Antonelli A, Ariza M, Albert J, Andermann T, Azevedo J, Bacon C, Faurby S, Guedes T, Hoorn C, Lohmann LG, Matos-Maraví P, Ritter CD, Sanmartín I, Silvestro D, Tejedor M, Ter Steege H, Tuomisto H, Werneck FP, Zizka A, Edwards SV., PeerJ. January 1, 2018; 6 e5644.
Neuropeptides encoded within a neural transcriptome of the giant triton snail Charonia tritonis, a Crown-of-Thorns Starfish predator. , Bose U, Suwansa-Ard S, Maikaeo L, Motti CA, Hall MR, Cummins SF., Peptides. December 1, 2017; 98 3-14.
Lectins identify distinct populations of coelomocytes in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. , Liao WY, Fugmann SD ., PLoS One. November 10, 2017; 12 (11): e0187987.
TLR4-Mediated Placental Pathology and Pregnancy Outcome in Experimental Malaria. , Barboza R, Lima FA, Reis AS, Murillo OJ, Peixoto EPM, Bandeira CL, Fotoran WL, Sardinha LR, Wunderlich G, Bevilacqua E, Lima MRD, Alvarez JM, Costa FTM, Gonçalves LA, Epiphanio S, Marinho CRF., Sci Rep. August 17, 2017; 7 (1): 8623.
Multiomics analysis of the giant triton snail salivary gland, a crown-of-thorns starfish predator. , Bose U, Wang T, Zhao M, Motti CA, Hall MR, Cummins SF., Sci Rep. July 20, 2017; 7 (1): 6000.
Gene expression profiling during the embryo-to- larva transition in the giant red sea urchin Mesocentrotus franciscanus. , Gaitán-Espitia JD, Hofmann GE., Ecol Evol. March 14, 2017; 7 (8): 2798-2811.
The Recombinant Sea Urchin Immune Effector Protein, rSpTransformer-E1, Binds to Phosphatidic Acid and Deforms Membranes. , Lun CM, Samuel RL, Gillmor SD, Boyd A, Smith LC ., Front Immunol. March 13, 2017; 8 481.
Mitochondrial genome architecture of the giant red sea urchin Mesocentrotus franciscanus (Strongylocentrotidae, Echinoida). , Gaitán-Espitia JD, Hofmann GE., Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal. January 1, 2016; 27 (1): 591-2.
Assessing Different Causes of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Outbreaks and Appropriate Responses for Management on the Great Barrier Reef. , Babcock RC, Dambacher JM, Morello EB, Plagányi ÉE, Hayes KR, Sweatman HP, Pratchett MS., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (12): e0169048.
Mimivirus Fibrils Are Important for Viral Attachment to the Microbial World by a Diverse Glycoside Interaction Repertoire. , Rodrigues RA, dos Santos Silva LK, Dornas FP, de Oliveira DB, Magalhães TF, Santos DA, Costa AO, de Macêdo Farias L, Magalhães PP, Bonjardim CA, Kroon EG, La Scola B, Cortines JR, Abrahão JS., J Virol. December 1, 2015; 89 (23): 11812-9.
Indirect effects of sea otters on rockfish (Sebastes spp.) in giant kelp forests. , Markel RW, Shurin JB., Ecology. November 1, 2015; 96 (11): 2877-90.
Lectin-Based Profiling of Coelomocytes in Holothuria scabra and Expression of Superoxide Dismutase in Purified Coelomocytes. , Prompoon Y, Weerachatyanukul W, Withyachumnarnkul B, Vanichviriyakit R, Wongprasert K, Asuvapongpatana S., Zoolog Sci. August 1, 2015; 32 (4): 345-51.
Exploitation and recovery of a sea urchin predator has implications for the resilience of southern California kelp forests. , Hamilton SL, Caselle JE., Proc Biol Sci. January 22, 2015; 282 (1799): 20141817.
Effects of five southern California macroalgal diets on consumption, growth, and gonad weight, in the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. , Foster MC, Byrnes JE, Reed DC., PeerJ. January 1, 2015; 3 e719.
Baseline seabed habitat and biotope mapping for a proposed marine reserve. , Lee ST, Kelly M, Langlois TJ, Costello MJ., PeerJ. January 1, 2015; 3 e1446.
Use of a free ocean CO₂ enrichment (FOCE) system to evaluate the effects of ocean acidification on the foraging behavior of a deep-sea urchin. , Barry JP, Lovera C, Buck KR, Peltzer ET, Taylor JR, Walz P, Whaling PJ, Brewer PG., Environ Sci Technol. August 19, 2014; 48 (16): 9890-7.
SGEBP, a giant protein from starfish oocytes able to interact with ERK. , Vergé V, Lozano JC, Schatt P, Peaucellier G., Mol Reprod Dev. October 1, 2013; 80 (10): 816-25.
Synchrony in dynamics of giant kelp forests is driven by both local recruitment and regional environmental controls. , Cavanaugh KC, Kendall BE, Siegel DA, Reed DC, Alberto F, Assis J., Ecology. February 1, 2013; 94 (2): 499-509.
Evaluation of seafood toxicity in the Australes archipelago (French Polynesia) using the neuroblastoma cell-based assay. , Pawlowiez R, Darius HT, Cruchet P, Rossi F, Caillaud A, Laurent D, Chinain M., Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. January 1, 2013; 30 (3): 567-86.
Disturbance of shallow marine soft-bottom environments and megabenthos assemblages by a huge tsunami induced by the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. , Seike K, Shirai K, Kogure Y., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (6): e65417.
Environmental dermatology: skin manifestations of injuries caused by invertebrate aquatic animals. , Haddad V., An Bras Dermatol. January 1, 2013; 88 (4): 496-506.
Chemical composition of the giant red sea cucumber, Parastichopus californicus, commercially harvested in Alaska. , Bechtel PJ, Oliveira AC, Demir N, Smiley S., Food Sci Nutr. January 1, 2013; 1 (1): 63-73.
Trophic cascades induced by lobster fishing are not ubiquitous in southern California kelp forests. , Guenther CM, Lenihan HS, Grant LE, Lopez-Carr D, Reed DC., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (11): e49396.
Wave disturbance overwhelms top-down and bottom-up control of primary production in California kelp forests. , Reed DC, Rassweiler A, Carr MH, Cavanaugh KC, Malone DP, Siegel DA., Ecology. November 1, 2011; 92 (11): 2108-16.
A novel, mat-forming Thiomargarita population associated with a sulfidic fluid flow from a deep-sea mud volcano. , Girnth AC, Grünke S, Lichtschlag A, Felden J, Knittel K, Wenzhöfer F, de Beer D, Boetius A., Environ Microbiol. February 1, 2011; 13 (2): 495-505.
Purification and characterization of pepsin-solubilized collagen from skin and connective tissue of giant red sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus). , Liu Z, Oliveira AC, Su YC ., J Agric Food Chem. January 27, 2010; 58 (2): 1270-4.
Structural studies of the giant mimivirus. , Xiao C, Kuznetsov YG, Sun S, Hafenstein SL, Kostyuchenko VA, Chipman PR, Suzan-Monti M, Raoult D, McPherson A, Rossmann MG., PLoS Biol. April 28, 2009; 7 (4): e92.
The multiple faces of self-assembled lipidic systems. , Tresset G., PMC Biophys. April 17, 2009; 2 (1): 3.
Generation of an affinity matrix useful in the purification of natural inhibitors of plasmepsin II, an antimalarial-drug target. , Ramírez AR, Guerra Y, Otero A, García B, Berry C, Mendiola J, Hernández-Zanui A, Chávez Mde L., Biotechnol Appl Biochem. February 1, 2009; 52 (Pt 2): 149-57.
The plutonium isotopic composition of marine biota on Enewetak Atoll: a preliminary assessment. , Hamilton TF, Martinelli RE, Kehl SR, McAninch JE., J Environ Monit. October 1, 2008; 10 (10): 1134-8.
Community-wide ramifications of an associational refuge on shallow rocky reefs. , Levenbach S., Ecology. October 1, 2008; 89 (10): 2819-28.
The lengthening of a giant protein: when, how, and why? , Meiniel O, Meiniel R, Lalloué F, Didier R, Jauberteau MO, Meiniel A, Petit D., J Mol Evol. January 1, 2008; 66 (1): 1-10.
Radionuclide concentrations in benthic invertebrates from Amchitka and Kiska Islands in the Aleutian Chain, Alaska. , Burger J, Gochfeld M, Jewett SC., Environ Monit Assess. May 1, 2007; 128 (1-3): 329-41.
Tree ferns: monophyletic groups and their relationships as revealed by four protein-coding plastid loci. , Korall P, Pryer KM, Metzgar JS, Schneider H, Conant DS., Mol Phylogenet Evol. June 1, 2006; 39 (3): 830-45.
Modelling the extinction of Steller''s sea cow. , Turvey ST, Risley CL., Biol Lett. March 22, 2006; 2 (1): 94-7.
A genetic screen for dominant modifiers of a cyclin E hypomorphic mutation identifies novel regulators of S-phase entry in Drosophila. , Brumby A, Secombe J, Horsfield J, Coombe M, Amin N, Coates D, Saint R, Richardson H., Genetics. September 1, 2004; 168 (1): 227-51.
Phospholipid membrane bending as assessed by the shape sequence of giant oblate phospholipid vesicles. , Majhenc J, Bozic B, Svetina S, Zeks B., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 30, 2004; 1664 (2): 257-66.
Cretaceous flowers of Nymphaeaceae and implications for complex insect entrapment pollination mechanisms in early angiosperms. , Gandolfo MA, Nixon KC, Crepet WL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 25, 2004; 101 (21): 8056-60.
Community-wide distribution of predator-prey interaction strength in kelp forests. , Sala E, Graham MH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 19, 2002; 99 (6): 3678-83.
High molecular mass egg fucose sulfate polymer is required for opening both Ca2+ channels involved in triggering the sea urchin sperm acrosome reaction. , Hirohashi N, Vacquier VD ., J Biol Chem. January 11, 2002; 277 (2): 1182-9.
Srg3, a mouse homolog of yeast SWI3, is essential for early embryogenesis and involved in brain development. , Kim JK, Huh SO, Choi H, Lee KS, Shin D, Lee C, Nam JS , Kim H, Chung H, Lee HW, Park SD, Seong RH., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 2001; 21 (22): 7787-95.