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Summary Expression Gene Literature (4065) GO Terms (0) Nucleotides (3) Proteins (1) Interactants (1092) Wiki

Papers associated with LOC115919910 (and impact)

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Frondoside A Enhances the Anti-Cancer Effects of Oxaliplatin and 5-Fluorouracil on Colon Cancer Cells., Attoub S, Arafat K, Khalaf T, Sulaiman S, Iratni R., Nutrients. 10 (5):   

A Peak of H3T3 Phosphorylation Occurs in Synchrony with Mitosis in Sea Urchin Early Embryos., Feizbakhsh O, Pontheaux F, Glippa V, Morales J, Ruchaud S, Cormier P, Roch F., Cells. April 7, 2020; 9 (4):   

The role of fasting on spine regeneration and bacteremia in the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Scholnick DA, Winslow AE., PLoS One. January 1, 2020; 15 (2): e0228711.   

Echinochrome A Reduces Colitis in Mice and Induces In Vitro Generation of Regulatory Immune Cells., Oh SJ, Seo Y, Ahn JS, Shin YY, Yang JW, Kim HK, Han J, Mishchenko NP, Fedoreyev SA, Stonik VA, Kim HS., Mar Drugs. October 31, 2019; 17 (11):   

Ex situ co culturing of the sea urchin, Mespilia globulus and the coral Acropora millepora enhances early post-settlement survivorship., Craggs J, Guest J, Bulling M, Sweet M., Sci Rep. September 10, 2019; 9 (1): 12984.   

Single cell RNA-seq in the sea urchin embryo show marked cell-type specificity in the Delta/Notch pathway., Foster S, Teo YV, Neretti N, Oulhen N, Wessel GM., Mol Reprod Dev. August 1, 2019; 86 (8): 931-934.

Living in future ocean acidification, physiological adaptive responses of the immune system of sea urchins resident at a CO2 vent system., Migliaccio O, Pinsino A, Maffioli E, Smith AM, Agnisola C, Matranga V, Nonnis S, Tedeschi G, Byrne M, Gambi MC, Palumbo A., Sci Total Environ. July 1, 2019; 672 938-950.

Genomic correlates of clinical outcome in advanced prostate cancer., Abida W, Cyrta J, Heller G, Prandi D, Armenia J, Coleman I, Cieslik M, Benelli M, Robinson D, Van Allen EM, Sboner A, Fedrizzi T, Mosquera JM, Robinson BD, De Sarkar N, Kunju LP, Tomlins S, Wu YM, Nava Rodrigues D, Loda M, Gopalan A, Reuter VE, Pritchard CC, Mateo J, Bianchini D, Miranda S, Carreira S, Rescigno P, Filipenko J, Vinson J, Montgomery RB, Beltran H, Heath EI, Scher HI, Kantoff PW, Taplin ME, Schultz N, deBono JS, Demichelis F, Nelson PS, Rubin MA, Chinnaiyan AM, Sawyers CL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 4, 2019; 116 (23): 11428-11436.   

Downregulation of DCC sensitizes multiple myeloma cells to bortezomib treatment., Rodrigues-Junior DM, Biassi TP, de Albuquerque GE, Carlin V, Buri MV, Machado-Junior J, Vettore AL., Mol Med Rep. June 1, 2019; 19 (6): 5023-5029.

Harmful or harmless: Biological effects of marennine on marine organisms., Falaise C, Cormier P, Tremblay R, Audet C, Deschênes JS, Turcotte F, François C, Seger A, Hallegraeff G, Lindquist N, Sirjacobs D, Gobert S, Lejeune P, Demoulin V, Mouget JL., Aquat Toxicol. April 1, 2019; 209 13-25.

Flagellar ultrastructure suppresses buckling instabilities and enables mammalian sperm navigation in high-viscosity media., Gadêlha H, Gaffney EA., J R Soc Interface. March 29, 2019; 16 (152): 20180668.

Translational Control of Canonical and Non-Canonical Translation Initiation Factors at the Sea Urchin Egg to Embryo Transition., Chassé H, Boulben S, Cormier P, Morales J., Int J Mol Sci. February 1, 2019; 20 (3):   

Effects of the fungicide ortho-phenylphenol (OPP) on the early development of sea urchin eggs., Hosoya N, Motomura K, Tagawa E, Nagano M, Ogiwara C, Hosoya H., Mar Environ Res. January 1, 2019; 143 24-29.

Methods for toxicology studies in echinoderm embryos and larvae., Torres-Duarte C, Vines CA, Fairbairn E, Cherr GN., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 150 411-426.

Spinochrome D Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyocyte Death via Improving Glutathione Metabolism and Attenuating Oxidative Stress., Yoon CS, Kim HK, Mishchenko NP, Vasileva EA, Fedoreyev SA, Stonik VA, Han J., Mar Drugs. December 20, 2018; 17 (1):   

Emerin induces nuclear breakage in Xenopus extract and early embryos., Dilsaver MR, Chen P, Thompson TA, Reusser T, Mukherjee RN, Oakey J, Levy DL., Mol Biol Cell. December 15, 2018; mbcE18050277.   

Comparative toxicity evaluation of targeted anticancer therapeutics in embryonic zebrafish and sea urchin models., Babic T, Dinic J, Buric SS, Hadzic S, Pesic M, Radojkovic D, Rankov AD., Acta Biol Hung. December 1, 2018; 69 (4): 395-410.

Cationic polystyrene nanoparticle and the sea urchin immune system: biocorona formation, cell toxicity, and multixenobiotic resistance phenotype., Marques-Santos LF, Grassi G, Bergami E, Faleri C, Balbi T, Salis A, Damonte G, Canesi L, Corsi I., Nanotoxicology. October 1, 2018; 12 (8): 847-867.

Translatome analysis at the egg-to-embryo transition in sea urchin., Chassé H, Aubert J, Boulben S, Le Corguillé G, Corre E, Cormier P, Morales J., Nucleic Acids Res. May 18, 2018; 46 (9): 4607-4621.   

Differences in Small Molecule Neurotransmitter Profiles From the Crown-of-Thorns Seastar Radial Nerve Revealed Between Sexes and Following Food-Deprivation., Smith MK, Bose U, Mita M, Hall MR, Elizur A, Motti CA, Cummins SF., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 1, 2018; 9 551.   

New insights from a high-resolution look at gastrulation in the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus., Martik ML, McClay DR., Mech Dev. December 1, 2017; 148 3-10.

Evolutionary recruitment of flexible Esrp-dependent splicing programs into diverse embryonic morphogenetic processes., Burguera D, Marquez Y, Racioppi C, Permanyer J, Torres-Méndez A, Esposito R, Albuixech-Crespo B, Fanlo L, D'Agostino Y, Gohr A, Navas-Perez E, Riesgo A, Cuomo C, Benvenuto G, Christiaen LA, Martí E, D'Aniello S, Spagnuolo A, Ristoratore F, Arnone MI, Garcia-Fernàndez J, Irimia M., Nat Commun. November 27, 2017; 8 (1): 1799.   

The axis IL-10/claudin-10 is implicated in the modulation of aggressiveness of melanoma cells by B-1 lymphocytes., Perez EC, Xander P, Laurindo MFL, Novaes E Brito RR, Vivanco BC, Mortara RA, Mariano M, Lopes JD, Keller AC., PLoS One. November 10, 2017; 12 (11): e0187333.   

Fitting structure to function in gene regulatory networks., Rothenberg EV., Hist Philos Life Sci. October 16, 2017; 39 (4): 37.

Alteration of neurotransmission and skeletogenesis in sea urchin Arbacia lixula embryos exposed to copper oxide nanoparticles., Cappello T, Vitale V, Oliva S, Villari V, Mauceri A, Fasulo S, Maisano M., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. September 1, 2017; 199 20-27.

TLR4-Mediated Placental Pathology and Pregnancy Outcome in Experimental Malaria., Barboza R, Lima FA, Reis AS, Murillo OJ, Peixoto EPM, Bandeira CL, Fotoran WL, Sardinha LR, Wunderlich G, Bevilacqua E, Lima MRD, Alvarez JM, Costa FTM, Gonçalves LA, Epiphanio S, Marinho CRF., Sci Rep. August 17, 2017; 7 (1): 8623.   

Sunscreen products impair the early developmental stages of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus., Corinaldesi C, Damiani E, Marcellini F, Falugi C, Tiano L, Brugè F, Danovaro R., Sci Rep. August 10, 2017; 7 (1): 7815.   

Coexposure to sulfamethoxazole and cadmium impairs development and attenuates transcriptional response in sea urchin embryo., Ragusa MA, Costa S, Cuttitta A, Gianguzza F, Nicosia A., Chemosphere. August 1, 2017; 180 275-284.

The marine triterpene glycoside frondoside A induces p53-independent apoptosis and inhibits autophagy in urothelial carcinoma cells., Dyshlovoy SA, Madanchi R, Hauschild J, Otte K, Alsdorf WH, Schumacher U, Kalinin VI, Silchenko AS, Avilov SA, Honecker F, Stonik VA, Bokemeyer C, von Amsberg G., BMC Cancer. February 1, 2017; 17 (1): 93.   

In-vitro Pro Apoptotic Effect of Crude Saponin from Ophiocoma erinaceus against Cervical Cancer., Amini E, Nabiuni M, Baharara J, Parivar K, Asili J., Iran J Pharm Res. January 1, 2017; 16 (1): 266-276.   

Impact of Selenium Supplementation in Neutropenia and Immunoglobulin Production in Childhood Cancer Patients., Rocha KC, Vieira ML, Beltrame RL, Cartum J, Alves SI, Azzalis LA, Junqueira VB, Pereira EC, Fonseca FL., J Med Food. June 1, 2016; 19 (6): 560-8.

Shape-motion relationships of centering microtubule asters., Tanimoto H, Kimura A, Minc N., J Cell Biol. March 28, 2016; 212 (7): 777-87.   

Influence of cell polarity on early development of the sea urchin embryo., Moorhouse KS, Gudejko HF, McDougall A, Burgess DR., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2015; 244 (12): 1469-84.

Ectopic hbox12 Expression Evoked by Histone Deacetylase Inhibition Disrupts Axial Specification of the Sea Urchin Embryo., Cavalieri V, Spinelli G., PLoS One. November 3, 2015; 10 (11): e0143860.   

Effect of silver nanoparticles on Mediterranean sea urchin embryonal development is species specific and depends on moment of first exposure., Burić P, Jakšić Ž, Štajner L, Dutour Sikirić M, Jurašin D, Cascio C, Calzolai L, Lyons DM., Mar Environ Res. October 1, 2015; 111 50-9.

Revisiting mouse peritoneal macrophages: heterogeneity, development, and function., Cassado Ados A, D'Império Lima MR, Bortoluci KR., Front Immunol. May 19, 2015; 6 225.   

Accuracy of microRNAs as markers for the detection of neck lymph node metastases in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma., de Carvalho AC, Scapulatempo-Neto C, Maia DC, Evangelista AF, Morini MA, Carvalho AL, Vettore AL., BMC Med. May 9, 2015; 13 108.   

Protective effect of porphyra-334 on UVA-induced photoaging in human skin fibroblasts., Ryu J, Park SJ, Kim IH, Choi YH, Nam TJ., Int J Mol Med. September 1, 2014; 34 (3): 796-803.   

In silico determination of the effect of multi-target drugs on calcium dynamics signaling network underlying sea urchin spermatozoa motility., Espinal-Enríquez J, Darszon A, Guerrero A, Martínez-Mekler G., PLoS One. August 27, 2014; 9 (8): e104451.   

Frondoside A enhances the antiproliferative effects of gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer., Al Shemaili J, Mensah-Brown E, Parekh K, Thomas SA, Attoub S, Hellman B, Nyberg F, Adem A, Collin P, Adrian TE., Eur J Cancer. May 1, 2014; 50 (7): 1391-8.

The impact of rising sea temperature on innate immune parameters in the tropical subtidal sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus and the intertidal sea urchin Echinometra lucunter., Branco PC, Borges JC, Santos MF, Jensch Junior BE, da Silva JR., Mar Environ Res. December 1, 2013; 92 95-101.

Evaluation of mysids and sea urchins exposed to saxitoxins., Bernardi Bif M, Yunes JS, Resgalla C., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. November 1, 2013; 36 (3): 819-25.

The impact of gene expression variation on the robustness and evolvability of a developmental gene regulatory network., Garfield DA, Runcie DE, Babbitt CC, Haygood R, Nielsen WJ, Wray GA., PLoS Biol. October 1, 2013; 11 (10): e1001696.   

Blood loss, predictors of bleeding, transfusion practice and strategies of blood cell salvaging during liver transplantation., Feltracco P, Brezzi M, Barbieri S, Galligioni H, Milevoj M, Carollo C, Ori C., World J Hepatol. January 27, 2013; 5 (1): 1-15.

Frondoside a suppressive effects on lung cancer survival, tumor growth, angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis., Attoub S, Arafat K, Gélaude A, Al Sultan MA, Bracke M, Collin P, Takahashi T, Adrian TE, De Wever O., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (1): e53087.   

Intracellular and extracellular pH and Ca are bound to control mitosis in the early sea urchin embryo via ERK and MPF activities., Ciapa B, Philippe L., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (6): e66113.   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dibutyl phthalate disrupt dorsal-ventral axis determination via the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in zebrafish embryos., Fairbairn EA, Bonthius J, Cherr GN., Aquat Toxicol. November 15, 2012; 124-125 188-96.

Inhibition of cell division in mouse B-cell hybridomas: an overlooked property of 2-mercaptoethanol and its impact on in vitro antibody production., Abebe M, Dirieh Y, Ahmad A, Kumar V, Sevinc S., Hybridoma (Larchmt). August 1, 2012; 31 (4): 240-5.

Early developmental gene regulation in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos in response to elevated CO₂ seawater conditions., Hammond LM, Hofmann GE., J Exp Biol. July 15, 2012; 215 (Pt 14): 2445-54.

Effects of seawater acidification on cell cycle control mechanisms in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos., Place SP, Smith BW., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (3): e34068.   

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