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Summary Expression Gene Literature (11969) GO Terms (0) Nucleotides (8) Proteins (2) Interactants (1441) Wiki

Papers associated with LOC100887844 (and LOC115923516)

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Responses of sea urchin larvae to field and laboratory acidification., Foo SA, Koweek DA, Munari M, Gambi MC, Byrne M, Caldeira K., Sci Total Environ. June 25, 2020; 723 138003.

Trophic redundancy and predator size class structure drive differences in kelp forest ecosystem dynamics., Eisaguirre JH, Eisaguirre JM, Davis K, Carlson PM, Gaines SD, Caselle JE., Ecology. May 1, 2020; 101 (5): e02993.   

Marine deforestation leads to widespread loss of ecosystem function., Edwards M, Konar B, Kim JH, Gabara S, Sullaway G, McHugh T, Spector M, Small S., PLoS One. January 1, 2020; 15 (3): e0226173.   

Carbonate production of Micronesian reefs suppressed by thermal anomalies and Acanthaster as sea-level rises., van Woesik R, Cacciapaglia CW., PLoS One. November 15, 2019; 14 (11): e0224887.   

Cell rearrangement induced by filopodial tension accounts for the late phase of convergent extension in the sea urchin archenteron., Hardin J, Weliky M., Mol Biol Cell. July 22, 2019; 30 (16): 1911-1919.   

Spatial resilience of the Great Barrier Reef under cumulative disturbance impacts., Mellin C, Matthews S, Anthony KRN, Brown SC, Caley MJ, Johns KA, Osborne K, Puotinen M, Thompson A, Wolff NH, Fordham DA, MacNeil MA., Glob Chang Biol. July 1, 2019; 25 (7): 2431-2445.

The Role of Male Variation in Fertilization Success in Determining the Costs and Benefits of Polyandry in the Broadcast Spawning Urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Betters M, Levitan DR., Biol Bull. October 1, 2018; 235 (2): 63-70.

Physical Forces Determining the Persistency and Centering Precision of Microtubule Asters., Tanimoto H, Sallé J, Dodin L, Minc N., Nat Phys. August 1, 2018; 14 (8): 848-854.   

The solute carrier SLC9C1 is a Na+/H+-exchanger gated by an S4-type voltage-sensor and cyclic-nucleotide binding., Windler F, Bönigk W, Körschen HG, Grahn E, Strünker T, Seifert R, Kaupp UB., Nat Commun. July 18, 2018; 9 (1): 2809.   

The duality of ocean acidification as a resource and a stressor., Connell SD, Doubleday ZA, Foster NR, Hamlyn SB, Harley CDG, Helmuth B, Kelaher BP, Nagelkerken I, Rodgers KL, Sarà G, Russell BD., Ecology. May 1, 2018; 99 (5): 1005-1010.

Spatiotemporal patterns of the macrofaunal community structure in the East China Sea, off the coast of Zhejiang, China, and the impact of the Kuroshio Branch Current., Xu Y, Yu F, Li X, Ma L, Dong D, Kou Q, Sui J, Gan Z, Gong L, Yang M, Wang Y, Sun Y, Wang J, Wang H., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (1): e0192023.   

New insights from a high-resolution look at gastrulation in the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus., Martik ML, McClay DR., Mech Dev. December 1, 2017; 148 3-10.

De novo assembly of a transcriptome from the eggs and early embryos of Astropecten aranciacus., Musacchia F, Vasilev F, Borra M, Biffali E, Sanges R, Santella L, Chun JT., PLoS One. September 5, 2017; 12 (9): e0184090.   

Threats to large brown algal forests in temperate seas: the overlooked role of native herbivorous fish., Gianni F, Bartolini F, Pey A, Laurent M, Martins GM, Airoldi L, Mangialajo L., Sci Rep. July 20, 2017; 7 (1): 6012.   

Long photoperiods sustain high pH in Arctic kelp forests., Krause-Jensen D, Marbà N, Sanz-Martin M, Hendriks IE, Thyrring J, Carstensen J, Sejr MK, Duarte CM., Sci Adv. December 1, 2016; 2 (12): e1501938.   

Responses of Herbivorous Fishes and Benthos to 6 Years of Protection at the Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area, Maui., Williams ID, White DJ, Sparks RT, Lino KC, Zamzow JP, Kelly EL, Ramey HL., PLoS One. July 14, 2016; 11 (7): e0159100.   

Expression and functional activity of neurotransmitter system components in sea urchins'' early development., Nikishin DA, Milošević I, Gojković M, Rakić L, Bezuglov VV, Shmukler YB., Zygote. April 1, 2016; 24 (2): 206-18.

Analysis of coelom development in the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurescens yielding a deuterostome body plan., Morris VB., Biol Open. February 18, 2016; 5 (3): 348-58.   

Productivity links morphology, symbiont specificity and bleaching in the evolution of Caribbean octocoral symbioses., Baker DM, Freeman CJ, Knowlton N, Thacker RW, Kim K, Fogel ML., ISME J. December 1, 2015; 9 (12): 2620-9.   

The Maternal Maverick/GDF15-like TGF-β Ligand Panda Directs Dorsal-Ventral Axis Formation by Restricting Nodal Expression in the Sea Urchin Embryo., Haillot E, Molina MD, Lapraz F, Lepage T., PLoS Biol. September 9, 2015; 13 (9): e1002247.   

Evolution of extreme stomach pH in bilateria inferred from gastric alkalization mechanisms in basal deuterostomes., Stumpp M, Hu MY, Tseng YC, Guh YJ, Chen YC, Yu JK, Su YH, Hwang PP., Sci Rep. June 8, 2015; 5 10421.   

Neurogenesis in directly and indirectly developing enteropneusts: of nets and cords., Kaul-Strehlow S, Urata M, Minokawa T, Stach T, Wanninger A., Org Divers Evol. January 1, 2015; 15 (2): 405-422.   

Development and juvenile anatomy of the nemertodermatid Meara stichopi (Bock) Westblad 1949 (Acoelomorpha)., Børve A, Hejnol A., Front Zool. May 9, 2014; 11 50.   

A detailed description of the development of the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii using SEM, TEM, Histology and 3D-reconstructions., Kaul-Strehlow S, Stach T., Front Zool. September 6, 2013; 10 (1): 53.   

Watershed discharge patterns, secondary consumer abundances, and seagrass habitat condition in Yap, Micronesia., Houk P, Golbuu Y, Gorong B, Gorong T, Fillmed C., Mar Pollut Bull. June 15, 2013; 71 (1-2): 209-15.

Effects of a range-expanding sea urchin on behaviour of commercially fished abalone., Strain EM, Johnson CR, Thomson RJ., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (9): e73477.   

Resource allocation and extracellular acid-base status in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis in response to CO₂ induced seawater acidification., Stumpp M, Trübenbach K, Brennecke D, Hu MY, Melzner F., Aquat Toxicol. April 1, 2012; 110-111 194-207.

[Seal finger in Denmark diagnosed by PCR-technique]., Jansen LC, Justesen US, Roos SM, Dargis R, Jensen JS, Christensen JJ, Kemp M., Ugeskr Laeger. February 13, 2012; 174 (7): 426-7.

Deposit-feeding sea cucumbers enhance mineralization and nutrient cycling in organically-enriched coastal sediments., Mactavish T, Stenton-Dozey J, Vopel K, Savage C., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (11): e50031.   

Food webs and fishing affect parasitism of the sea urchin Eucidaris galapagensis in the Galápagos., Sonnenholzner JI, Lafferty KD, Ladah LB., Ecology. December 1, 2011; 92 (12): 2276-84.

Wave disturbance overwhelms top-down and bottom-up control of primary production in California kelp forests., Reed DC, Rassweiler A, Carr MH, Cavanaugh KC, Malone DP, Siegel DA., Ecology. November 1, 2011; 92 (11): 2108-16.

Crypton transposons: identification of new diverse families and ancient domestication events., Kojima KK, Jurka J., Mob DNA. October 19, 2011; 2 (1): 12.   

Identification of a new isoform of eEF2 whose phosphorylation is required for completion of cell division in sea urchin embryos., Bellé R, Pluchon PF, Cormier P, Mulner-Lorillon O., Dev Biol. February 15, 2011; 350 (2): 476-83.

Trophic cascades result in large-scale coralline algae loss through differential grazer effects., O'Leary JK, McClanahan TR., Ecology. December 1, 2010; 91 (12): 3584-97.

Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of echinoderm larvae in La Parguera, Puerto Rico., Williams SM, Jorge GS., Rev Biol Trop. October 1, 2010; 58 Suppl 3 81-8.

Assessment criteria for using the sea-urchin embryo test with sediment elutriates as a tool to classify the ecotoxicological status of marine water bodies., Durán I, Beiras R., Environ Toxicol Chem. May 1, 2010; 29 (5): 1192-8.

Practical computational methods for regulatory genomics: a cisGRN-Lexicon and cisGRN-browser for gene regulatory networks., Istrail S, Tarpine R, Schutter K, Aguiar D., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2010; 674 369-99.

Nervous system development of two crinoid species, the sea lily Metacrinus rotundus and the feather star Oxycomanthus japonicus., Nakano H, Nakajima Y, Amemiya S., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2009; 219 (11-12): 565-76.

Grazing intensity influences the strength of an associational refuge on temperate reefs., Levenbach S., Oecologia. February 1, 2009; 159 (1): 181-90.

Ca(2+) signaling occurs via second messenger release from intraorganelle synthesis sites., Davis LC, Morgan AJ, Ruas M, Wong JL, Graeff RM, Poustka AJ, Lee HC, Wessel GM, Parrington J, Galione A., Curr Biol. October 28, 2008; 18 (20): 1612-8.   

Range expansion of a habitat-modifying species leads to loss of taxonomic diversity: a new and impoverished reef state., Ling SD., Oecologia. July 1, 2008; 156 (4): 883-94.

Echinoderm microtubule-associated protein like protein 4, a member of the echinoderm microtubule-associated protein family, stabilizes microtubules., Houtman SH, Rutteman M, De Zeeuw CI, French PJ., Neuroscience. February 23, 2007; 144 (4): 1373-82.

Local extinction of a foundation species in a hypoxic estuary: integrating individuals to ecosystem., Altieri AH, Witman JD., Ecology. March 1, 2006; 87 (3): 717-30.

TTX accumulation in pufferfish., Noguchi T, Arakawa O, Takatani T., Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. March 1, 2006; 1 (1): 145-52.

Long-term decline of the populations of Fucales (Cystoseira spp. and Sargassum spp.) in the Albères coast (France, North-western Mediterranean)., Thibaut T, Pinedo S, Torras X, Ballesteros E., Mar Pollut Bull. December 1, 2005; 50 (12): 1472-89.

[Taxonomic list of the asteroids (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from the shelf and superior slope from the Colombian Caribbean]., Benavides-Serrato M, Borrero-Pérez GH, Solano OD, Rodolfo Navas G., Rev Biol Trop. December 1, 2005; 53 Suppl 3 171-94.

FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the sea-fan Eunicella cavolini (Cnidaria: Octocorallia)., Girosi L, Ramoino P, Diaspro A, Gallus L, Ciarcia G, Tagliafierro G., Cell Tissue Res. May 1, 2005; 320 (2): 331-6.

Sea urchin embryotoxicity test: proposal for a simplified bioassay., Manzo S., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. February 1, 2004; 57 (2): 123-8.

An increase in surface area is not required for cell division in early sea urchin development., Frejtag W, Burnette J, Kang B, Smith RM, Vogel SS., Dev Biol. July 1, 2003; 259 (1): 62-70.

The effect of feeding frequency on consumption of food, absorption efficiency, and gonad production in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus., Lawrence JM, Plank LR, Lawrence AL., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. January 1, 2003; 134 (1): 69-75.

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