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Summary Expression Gene Literature (38) GO Terms (0) Nucleotides (3) Proteins (3) Interactants (46) Wiki

Papers associated with LOC105444658

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Use of sea urchin spines with chitosan gel for biodegradable film production., Hamil S, Baha M, Abdi A, Alili M, Bilican BK, Yilmaz BA, Cakmak YS, Bilican I, Kaya M., Int J Biol Macromol. June 1, 2020; 152 102-108.

Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) viridiaurantia sp. nov. (Holothuriida, Holothuriidae), a new sea cucumber from the Eastern Pacific Ocean revealed by morphology and DNA barcoding., Borrero-Pérez GH, Vanegas-González MJ., Zookeys. December 2, 2019; 893 1-19.   

Functional Characterization of OXYL, A SghC1qDC LacNAc-specific Lectin from The Crinoid Feather Star Anneissia Japonica., Hasan I, Gerdol M, Fujii Y, Ozeki Y., Mar Drugs. February 25, 2019; 17 (2):   

High levels of microplastic pollution in the sediments and benthic organisms of the South Yellow Sea, China., Wang J, Wang J, Wang M, Ru S, Liu X., Sci Total Environ. February 15, 2019; 651 (Pt 2): 1661-1669.

Regeneration of the digestive system in the crinoid Himerometra robustipinna occurs by transdifferentiation of neurosecretory-like cells., Kalacheva NV, Eliseikina MG, Frolova LT, Dolmatov IY., PLoS One. January 1, 2017; 12 (7): e0182001.   

Time-Dependent Wetting Behavior of PDMS Surfaces with Bioinspired, Hierarchical Structures., Mishra H, Schrader AM, Lee DW, Gallo A, Chen SY, Kaufman Y, Das S, Israelachvili JN., ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. March 1, 2016; 8 (12): 8168-74.

A detailed description of the development of the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii using SEM, TEM, Histology and 3D-reconstructions., Kaul-Strehlow S, Stach T., Front Zool. September 6, 2013; 10 (1): 53.   

Ecological complexity of coral recruitment processes: effects of invertebrate herbivores on coral recruitment and growth depends upon substratum properties and coral species., Davies SW, Matz MV, Vize PD., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (9): e72830.   

The tension at the top of the animal pole decreases during meiotic cell division., Satoh SK, Tsuchi A, Satoh R, Miyoshi H, Hamaguchi MS, Hamaguchi Y., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (11): e79389.   

Effects of different surface treatments on stainability of ceramics., Motro PF, Kursoglu P, Kazazoglu E., J Prosthet Dent. October 1, 2012; 108 (4): 231-7.

Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila moira and osa genes by the DREF pathway., Nakamura K, Ida H, Yamaguchi M., Nucleic Acids Res. July 1, 2008; 36 (12): 3905-15.   

Runx expression is mitogenic and mutually linked to Wnt activity in blastula-stage sea urchin embryos., Robertson AJ, Coluccio A, Knowlton P, Dickey-Sims C, Coffman JA., PLoS One. January 1, 2008; 3 (11): e3770.   

echinus, required for interommatidial cell sorting and cell death in the Drosophila pupal retina, encodes a protein with homology to ubiquitin-specific proteases., Copeland JM, Bosdet I, Freeman JD, Guo M, Gorski SM, Hay BA., BMC Dev Biol. July 5, 2007; 7 82.   

Adhesion of echinoderm tube feet to rough surfaces., Santos R, Gorb S, Jamar V, Flammang P., J Exp Biol. July 1, 2005; 208 (Pt 13): 2555-67.

A genetic screen for dominant modifiers of a cyclin E hypomorphic mutation identifies novel regulators of S-phase entry in Drosophila., Brumby A, Secombe J, Horsfield J, Coombe M, Amin N, Coates D, Saint R, Richardson H., Genetics. September 1, 2004; 168 (1): 227-51.

Curvilinear membranous formations in lymph node cells of an African AIDS patient with tuberculosis., Marquart KH., Ultrastruct Pathol. January 1, 2003; 27 (1): 49-53.

Drosophila cyclin E interacts with components of the Brahma complex., Brumby AM, Zraly CB, Horsfield JA, Secombe J, Saint R, Dingwall AK, Richardson H., EMBO J. July 1, 2002; 21 (13): 3377-89.

Prevention by polyhydroxysteroids and saponins of Asterina pectinifera of the desquamation of stratum corneum cells., Ukai K, Iwanaga A, Nagai H, Namikoshi M., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. April 1, 2002; 66 (4): 913-5.

Ectopic expression of DREF induces DNA synthesis, apoptosis, and unusual morphogenesis in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc: possible interaction with Polycomb and trithorax group proteins., Hirose F, Ohshima N, Shiraki M, Inoue YH, Taguchi O, Nishi Y, Matsukage A, Yamaguchi M., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 2001; 21 (21): 7231-42.

Cytological changes during bioluminescence production in dissociated photocytes from the ophiuroid Amphipholis squamata (Echinodermata)., Deheyn D, Mallefet J, Jangoux M., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 2000; 299 (1): 115-28.

Localization and partial characterization of a molecule found in the plasma membrane of starfish and sea urchin embryos using a novel monoclonal antibody., Crawford BJ, Reimer CL, Pang T., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 2000; 78 (1): 1-10.

Phylogenetic relationships among extant classes of echinoderms, as inferred from sequences of 18S rDNA, coincide with relationships deduced from the fossil record., Wada H, Satoh N., J Mol Evol. January 1, 1994; 38 (1): 41-9.

Rate variation of protein and mitochondrial DNA evolution as revealed by sea urchins separated by the isthmus of Panama., Bermingham E, Lessios HA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 1, 1993; 90 (7): 2734-8.

Adaptative responses of tobacco callus cells to simulated microgravity by compensation., Liu CX, Wang JY, Wang JY, Wu DS, Tang ZC., Microgravity Q. March 1, 1993; 3 (1): 17-21.

Cell death in normal and rough eye mutants of Drosophila., Wolff T, Ready DF., Development. November 1, 1991; 113 (3): 825-39.

Characterization of sea urchin egg endoplasmic reticulum in cortical preparations., Terasaki M, Henson J, Begg D, Kaminer B, Sardet C., Dev Biol. November 1, 1991; 148 (1): 398-401.

Studies on the mechanism of blastula formation in starfish embryos denuded of fertilization membrane., Kadokawa Y, Dan-Sohkawa M, Eguchi G., Cell Differ. September 1, 1986; 19 (2): 79-88.

The ultrastructure of the morula cells of Eupentacta quinquesemita (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) and their role in the maintenance of the extracellular matrix., Byrne M., J Morphol. May 1, 1986; 188 (2): 179-189.

Behavior of centrosomes during fertilization and cell division in mouse oocytes and in sea urchin eggs., Schatten H, Schatten G, Mazia D, Balczon R, Simerly C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 1, 1986; 83 (1): 105-9.

A marker of animal-vegetal polarity in the egg of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. The pigment band., Sardet C, Chang P., Exp Cell Res. September 1, 1985; 160 (1): 73-82.

Digitized precision measurements of the movements of sea urchin sperm flagella., Rikmenspoel R, Isles CA., Biophys J. March 1, 1985; 47 (3): 395-410.

The ultrastructure of the sea urchin egg cortex isolated before and after fertilization., Sardet C., Dev Biol. September 1, 1984; 105 (1): 196-210.

An ultrastructural study of relationships between the ovarian haemal system, follicle cells, and primary oocytes in the sea star, Asterias rubens. Implications for oocyte nutrition., Beijnink FB, Walker CW, Voogt PA., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 1984; 238 (2): 339-47.

Key role of dolichol phosphate in glycoprotein biosynthesis., Mookerjea S, Coolbear T, Sarkar ML., Can J Biochem Cell Biol. September 1, 1983; 61 (9): 1032-40.

Association of DNA polymerase alpha and beta with rough endoplasmic reticulum in sea-urchin eggs and changes in subcellular distribution during early embryogenesis., Shioda M, Nagano H, Mano Y., Eur J Biochem. July 1, 1980; 108 (2): 345-55.

The fine structure of epidermal glands of regenerating and mature globiferous pedicellariae of a sea urchin (Lytechinus pictus)., Holland LZ, Holland ND., Tissue Cell. January 1, 1975; 7 (4): 723-37.

Effect of solution composition and proteolysis on the conformation of axonemal components., Zobel CR., J Cell Biol. December 1, 1973; 59 (3): 573-94.

The appearance of a type of cortical vesicles subsequent to fertilization of the sea urchin egg, their character and possible function., Runnström J., Wilhelm Roux Arch Entwickl Mech Org. September 1, 1969; 162 (3): 254-267.

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