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Summary Expression Gene Literature (11969) GO Terms (0) Nucleotides (8) Proteins (2) Interactants (1441) Wiki

Papers associated with LOC115919910 (and col4a6)

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De novo assembly of a transcriptome from the eggs and early embryos of Astropecten aranciacus., Musacchia F, Vasilev F, Borra M, Biffali E, Sanges R, Santella L, Chun JT., PLoS One. September 5, 2017; 12 (9): e0184090.            

Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of histone variant H2A.Z during sea urchin development., Hajdu M, Calle J, Puno A, Haruna A, Arenas-Mena C., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2016; 58 (9): 727-740.

The Compass-like locus, exclusive to the Ambulacrarians, encodes a chromatin insulator binding protein in the sea urchin embryo., Cavalieri V, Melfi R, Spinelli G., PLoS Genet. January 1, 2013; 9 (9): e1003847.        

Promoter activity of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) nucleosomal H3 and H2A and linker H1 {alpha}-histone genes is modulated by enhancer and chromatin insulator., Cavalieri V, Melfi R, Spinelli G., Nucleic Acids Res. December 1, 2009; 37 (22): 7407-15.            

First insights into the biochemistry of tube foot adhesive from the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinoidea, Echinodermata)., Santos R, da Costa G, Franco C, Gomes-Alves P, Flammang P, Coelho AV., Mar Biotechnol (NY). January 1, 2009; 11 (6): 686-98.

Sequence-dependent nucleosome structure and stability variations detected by Förster resonance energy transfer., Kelbauskas L, Chan N, Bash R, Yodh J, Woodbury N, Lohr D., Biochemistry. February 27, 2007; 46 (8): 2239-48.

Constitutive promoter occupancy by the MBF-1 activator and chromatin modification of the developmental regulated sea urchin alpha-H2A histone gene., Di Caro V, Cavalieri V, Melfi R, Spinelli G., J Mol Biol. February 2, 2007; 365 (5): 1285-97.

Histone H2A.Z expression in two indirectly developing marine invertebrates correlates with undifferentiated and multipotent cells., Arenas-Mena C, Wong KS, Arandi-Foroshani NR., Evol Dev. January 1, 2007; 9 (3): 231-43.

The sea urchin histone gene complement., Marzluff WF, Sakallah S, Kelkar H., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 308-20.

Functional characterization of the sea urchin sns chromatin insulator in erythroid cells., Acuto S, Di Marzo R, Calzolari R, Baiamonte E, Maggio A, Spinelli G., Blood Cells Mol Dis. January 1, 2005; 35 (3): 339-44.

Down-regulation of early sea urchin histone H2A gene relies on cis regulative sequences located in the 5'' and 3'' regions and including the enhancer blocker sns., Di Caro D, Melfi R, Alessandro C, Serio G, Di Caro V, Cavalieri V, Palla F, Spinelli G., J Mol Biol. October 1, 2004; 342 (5): 1367-77.

The modulator is a constitutive enhancer of a developmentally regulated sea urchin histone H2A gene., Spinelli G, Birnstiel ML., Bioessays. September 1, 2002; 24 (9): 850-7.

Identification of the enhancer binding protein MBF-1 of the sea urchin modulator alpha-H2A histone gene., Alessandro C, Di Simone P, Buscaino A, Anello L, Palla F, Spinelli G., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 12, 2002; 295 (2): 519-25.

Remodeling of sperm chromatin after fertilization involves nucleosomes formed by sperm histones H2A and H2B and two CS histone variants., Oliver MI, Concha C, Gutiérrez S, Bustos A, Montecino M, Puchi M, Imschenetzky M., J Cell Biochem. January 1, 2002; 85 (4): 851-9.

Characterization of the stability and folding of H2A.Z chromatin particles: implications for transcriptional activation., Abbott DW, Ivanova VS, Wang X, Bonner WM, Ausió J., J Biol Chem. November 9, 2001; 276 (45): 41945-9.

Functional characterization of the enhancer blocking element of the sea urchin early histone gene cluster reveals insulator properties and three essential cis-acting sequences., Melfi R, Palla F, Di Simone P, Alessandro C, Calì L, Anello L, Spinelli G., J Mol Biol. December 15, 2000; 304 (5): 753-63.

Regulation of the sea urchin early H2A histone gene expression depends on the modulator element and on sequences located near the 3'' end., Palla F, Melfi R, Di Gaetano L, Bonura C, Anello L, Alessandro C, Spinelli G., Biol Chem. February 1, 1999; 380 (2): 159-65.

Isolation and amino acid sequence analysis reveal an ancient evolutionary origin of the cleavage stage (CS) histones of the sea urchin., Brandt WF, Schwager SU, Rodrigues JA, Busslinger M., Eur J Biochem. August 1, 1997; 247 (3): 784-91.

Enhancer blocking activity located near the 3'' end of the sea urchin early H2A histone gene., Palla F, Melfi R, Anello L, Di Bernardo M, Spinelli G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 18, 1997; 94 (6): 2272-7.

The five cleavage-stage (CS) histones of the sea urchin are encoded by a maternally expressed family of replacement histone genes: functional equivalence of the CS H1 and frog H1M (B4) proteins., Mandl B, Brandt WF, Superti-Furga G, Graninger PG, Birnstiel ML, Busslinger M., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 1997; 17 (3): 1189-200.

Alterations in nucleosome core structure in linker histone-depleted chromatin., Usachenko SI, Gavin IM, Bavykin SG., J Biol Chem. February 16, 1996; 271 (7): 3831-6.

Histone phosphorylation during sea urchin development., Green GR, Collas P, Burrell A, Poccia DL., Semin Cell Biol. August 1, 1995; 6 (4): 219-27.

Embryonic regulation of histone ubiquitination in the sea urchin., Jasinskiene N, Jasinskas A, Langmore JP., Dev Genet. January 1, 1995; 16 (3): 278-90.

Structure of histone H2B and H4 genes of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa., Drabent B, Louroutziatis A, Prats E, Cornudella L, Doenecke D., DNA Seq. January 1, 1995; 6 (1): 41-5.

Modulator factor-binding sequence of the sea urchin early histone H2A promoter acts as an enhancer element., Palla F, Bonura C, Anello L, Di Gaetano L, Spinelli G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 6, 1994; 91 (25): 12322-6.

The transcription factor BSAP (NF-HB) is essential for immunoglobulin germ-line epsilon transcription., Liao F, Birshtein BK, Busslinger M, Rothman P., J Immunol. March 15, 1994; 152 (6): 2904-11.

Phylogenetic analysis of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4., Thatcher TH, Gorovsky MA., Nucleic Acids Res. January 25, 1994; 22 (2): 174-9.

Nucleotide sequence of the histone gene cluster in the coral Acropora formosa (Cnidaria; Scleractinia): features of histone gene structure and organization are common to diploblastic and triploblastic metazoans., Miller DJ, Harrison PL, Mahony TJ, McMillan JP, Miles A, Odorico DM, ten Lohuis MR., J Mol Evol. September 1, 1993; 37 (3): 245-53.

Sea urchin early histone H2A modulator binding factor 1 is a positive transcription factor also for the early histone H3 gene., Palla F, Bonura C, Anello L, Casano C, Ciaccio M, Spinelli G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 15, 1993; 90 (14): 6854-8.

NF-HB (BSAP) is a repressor of the murine immunoglobulin heavy-chain 3'' alpha enhancer at early stages of B-cell differentiation., Singh M, Birshtein BK., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 1993; 13 (6): 3611-22.

Histone H2A.F/Z mRNA is stored in the egg cytoplasm and basally regulated in the sea urchin embryo., McIsaac R, Ng EY, Nocente-McGrath C, Ernst SG., Dev Biol. October 1, 1992; 153 (2): 402-6.

S(T)PXX motifs promote the interaction between the extended N-terminal tails of histone H2B with "linker" DNA., Lindsey GG, Thompson P., J Biol Chem. July 25, 1992; 267 (21): 14622-8.

The mechanism of nucleosome assembly onto oligomers of the sea urchin 5 S DNA positioning sequence., Hansen JC, van Holde KE, Lohr D., J Biol Chem. March 5, 1991; 266 (7): 4276-82.

Organization and transcription of Volvox histone-encoding genes: similarities between algal and animal genes., Müller K, Lindauer A, Brüderlein M, Schmitt R., Gene. September 14, 1990; 93 (2): 167-75.

Chromatin structure of the developmentally regulated early histone genes of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Fronk J, Tank GA, Langmore JP., Nucleic Acids Res. September 11, 1990; 18 (17): 5255-63.

Organization and complete nucleotide sequence of the core-histone-gene cluster of the annelid Platynereis dumerilii., Sellos D, Krawetz SA, Dixon GH., Eur J Biochem. May 31, 1990; 190 (1): 21-9.

A novel B-cell lineage-specific transcription factor present at early but not late stages of differentiation., Barberis A, Widenhorn K, Vitelli L, Busslinger M., Genes Dev. May 1, 1990; 4 (5): 849-59.

Core histone-DNA interactions in sea urchin sperm chromatin. The N-terminal tail of H2B interacts with linker DNA., Hill CS, Thomas JO., Eur J Biochem. January 12, 1990; 187 (1): 145-53.

Purification and characterization of a maturation-activated myelin basic protein kinase from sea star oocytes., Sanghera JS, Paddon HB, Bader SA, Pelech SL., J Biol Chem. January 5, 1990; 265 (1): 52-7.

Direct demonstration of termination signals for RNA polymerase II from the sea urchin H2A histone gene., Briggs D, Jackson D, Whitelaw E, Proudfoot NJ., Nucleic Acids Res. October 25, 1989; 17 (20): 8061-71.

Phosphorylation of sea urchin histone CS H2A., Green GR, Poccia DL., Dev Biol. August 1, 1989; 134 (2): 413-9.

Cis-acting elements of the sea urchin histone H2A modulator bind transcriptional factors., Palla F, Casano C, Albanese I, Anello L, Gianguzza F, Di Bernardo MG, Bonura C, Spinelli G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 1, 1989; 86 (16): 6033-7.

Developmental and tissue-specific regulation of a novel transcription factor of the sea urchin., Barberis A, Superti-Furga G, Vitelli L, Kemler I, Busslinger M., Genes Dev. May 1, 1989; 3 (5): 663-75.

Histone gene expression during sea urchin spermatogenesis: an in situ hybridization study., Poccia D, Lieber T, Childs G., Mol Reprod Dev. January 1, 1989; 1 (3): 219-29.

Cloning and characterization of a core histone gene tandem repeat in Urechis caupo., Ingham LD, Davis FC., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 1988; 8 (10): 4425-32.

Drosophila has a single copy of the gene encoding a highly conserved histone H2A variant of the H2A.F/Z type., van Daal A, White EM, Gorovsky MA, Elgin SC., Nucleic Acids Res. August 11, 1988; 16 (15): 7487-97.

Developmental regulation of micro-injected histone genes in sea urchin embryos., Vitelli L, Kemler I, Lauber B, Birnstiel ML, Busslinger M., Dev Biol. May 1, 1988; 127 (1): 54-63.

Partial characterization of a nuclear proteolytic activity from fertilized sea urchin eggs., Sanchez-Chiang L, Contreras M, Ainol L., Biochem Int. March 1, 1988; 16 (3): 453-63.

Sequence of cDNAs for mammalian H2A.Z, an evolutionarily diverged but highly conserved basal histone H2A isoprotein species., Hatch CL, Bonner WM., Nucleic Acids Res. February 11, 1988; 16 (3): 1113-24.

The reconstitution of a hybrid histone octamer containing avian 110Cys-des-thio-histone H3 and sea-urchin 73Cys-histone H4., Greyling HJ, Sewell BT, Von Holt C., Eur J Biochem. February 1, 1988; 171 (3): 721-6.

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