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Profile Publications (20)

Publications By Jenifer C Croce


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A feather star is born: embryonic development and nervous system organization in the crinoid Antedon mediterranea., Mercurio S, Gattoni G, Scarì G, Ascagni M, Barzaghi B, Elphick MR, Croce JC, Schubert M, Benito-Gutiérrez E, Pennati R., Open Biol. August 1, 2024; 14 (8): 240115.

Echinobase: leveraging an extant model organism database to build a knowledgebase supporting research on the genomics and biology of echinoderms., Arshinoff BI, Cary GA, Karimi K, Foley S, Agalakov S, Delgado F, Lotay VS, Ku CJ, Pells TJ, Beatman TR, Kim E, Cameron RA, Vize PD, Telmer CA, Croce JC, Ettensohn CA, Hinman VF., Nucleic Acids Res. January 7, 2022; 50 (D1): D970-D979.   

Developmental atlas of the indirect-developing sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus: From fertilization to juvenile stages., Formery L, Wakefield A, Gesson M, Toisoul L, Lhomond G, Gilletta L, Lasbleiz R, Schubert M, Croce JC., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2022; 10 966408.

Reprint of: Conditional specification of endomesoderm., McClay DR, Croce JC, Warner JF., Cells Dev. December 1, 2021; 168 203731.

Conditional specification of endomesoderm., McClay DR, Croce JC, Warner JF., Cells Dev. September 1, 2021; 167 203716.

Neural anatomy of echinoid early juveniles and comparison of nervous system organization in echinoderms., Formery L, Orange F, Formery A, Yaguchi S, Lowe CJ, Schubert M, Croce JC., J Comp Neurol. April 15, 2021; 529 (6): 1135-1156.

Whole mount in situ hybridization techniques for analysis of the spatial distribution of mRNAs in sea urchin embryos and early larvae., Erkenbrack EM, Croce JC, Miranda E, Gautam S, Martinez-Bartolome M, Yaguchi S, Range RC., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 151 177-196.

A comprehensive survey of wnt and frizzled expression in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus., Robert N, Lhomond G, Schubert M, Croce JC., Genesis. March 1, 2014; 52 (3): 235-50.

Short-range Wnt5 signaling initiates specification of sea urchin posterior ectoderm., McIntyre DC, Seay NW, Croce JC, McClay DR., Development. December 1, 2013; 140 (24): 4881-9.

Frizzled1/2/7 signaling directs β-catenin nuclearisation and initiates endoderm specification in macromeres during sea urchin embryogenesis., Lhomond G, McClay DR, Gache C, Croce JC., Development. February 1, 2012; 139 (4): 816-25.

Wnt6 activates endoderm in the sea urchin gene regulatory network., Croce J, Range R, Wu SY, Miranda E, Lhomond G, Peng JC, Lepage T, McClay DR., Development. August 1, 2011; 138 (15): 3297-306.

Dynamics of Delta/Notch signaling on endomesoderm segregation in the sea urchin embryo., Croce JC, McClay DR., Development. January 1, 2010; 137 (1): 83-91.

The genomic underpinnings of apoptosis in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Robertson AJ, Croce J, Carbonneau S, Voronina E, Miranda E, McClay DR, Coffman JA., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 321-34.

Genomics and expression profiles of the Hedgehog and Notch signaling pathways in sea urchin development., Walton KD, Croce JC, Glenn TD, Wu SY, McClay DR., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 153-64.

A genome-wide survey of the evolutionarily conserved Wnt pathways in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Croce JC, Wu SY, Byrum C, Xu R, Duloquin L, Wikramanayake AH, Gache C, McClay DR., Dev Biol. December 1, 2006; 300 (1): 121-31.

The genome of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Consortium, Sodergren E, Weinstock GM, Davidson EH, Cameron RA, Gibbs RA, Angerer RC, Angerer LM, Arnone MI, Burgess DR, Burke RD, Coffman JA, Dean M, Elphick MR, Ettensohn CA, Foltz KR, Hamdoun A, Hynes RO, Klein WH, Marzluff W, McClay DR, Morris RL, Mushegian A, Rast JP, Smith LC, Thorndyke MC, Vacquier VD, Wessel GM, Wray G, Zhang L, Elsik CG, Ermolaeva O, Hlavina W, Hofmann G, Kitts P, Landrum MJ, Mackey AJ, Maglott D, Panopoulou G, Poustka AJ, Pruitt K, Sapojnikov V, Song X, Souvorov A, Solovyev V, Wei Z, Whittaker CA, Worley K, Durbin KJ, Shen Y, Fedrigo O, Garfield D, Haygood R, Primus A, Satija R, Severson T, Gonzalez-Garay ML, Jackson AR, Milosavljevic A, Tong M, Killian CE, Livingston BT, Wilt FH, Adams N, Bellé R, Carbonneau S, Cheung R, Cormier P, Cosson B, Croce J, Fernandez-Guerra A, Genevière AM, Goel M, Kelkar H, Morales J, Mulner-Lorillon O, Robertson AJ, Goldstone JV, Cole B, Epel D, Gold B, Hahn ME, Howard-Ashby M, Scally M, Stegeman JJ, Allgood EL, Cool J, Judkins KM, McCafferty SS, Musante AM, Obar RA, Rawson AP, Rossetti BJ, Gibbons IR, Hoffman MP, Leone A, Istrail S, Materna SC, Samanta MP, Stolc V, Tongprasit W, Tu Q, Bergeron KF, Brandhorst BP, Whittle J, Berney K, Bottjer DJ, Calestani C, Peterson K, Chow E, Yuan QA, Elhaik E, Graur D, Reese JT, Bosdet I, Heesun S, Marra MA, Schein J, Anderson MK, Brockton V, Buckley KM, Cohen AH, Fugmann SD, Hibino T, Loza-Coll M, Majeske AJ, Messier C, Nair SV, Pancer Z, Terwilliger DP, Agca C, Arboleda E, Chen N, Churcher AM, Hallböök F, Humphrey GW, Idris MM, Kiyama T, Liang S, Mellott D, Mu X, Murray G, Olinski RP, Raible F, Rowe M, Taylor JS, Tessmar-Raible K, Wang D, Wilson KH, Yaguchi S, Gaasterland T, Galindo BE, Gunaratne HJ, Juliano C, Kinukawa M, Moy GW, Neill AT, Nomura M, Raisch M, Reade A, Roux MM, Song JL, Su YH, Townley IK, Voronina E, Wong JL, Amore G, Branno M, Brown ER, Cavalieri V, Duboc V, Duloquin L, Flytzanis C, Gache C, Lapraz F, Lepage T, Locascio A, Martinez P, Matassi G, Matranga V, Range R, Rizzo F, Röttinger E, Beane W, Bradham C, Byrum C, Glenn T, Hussain S, Manning G, Miranda E, Thomason R, Walton K, Wikramanayke A, Wu SY, Xu R, Brown CT, Chen L, Gray RF, Lee PY, Nam J, Oliveri P, Smith J, Muzny D, Bell S, Chacko J, Cree A, Curry S, Davis C, Dinh H, Dugan-Rocha S, Fowler J, Gill R, Hamilton C, Hernandez J, Hines S, Hume J, Jackson L, Jolivet A, Kovar C, Lee S, Lewis L, Miner G, Morgan M, Nazareth LV, Okwuonu G, Parker D, Pu LL, Thorn R, Wright R., Science. November 10, 2006; 314 (5801): 941-52.

Nemo-like kinase (NLK) acts downstream of Notch/Delta signalling to downregulate TCF during mesoderm induction in the sea urchin embryo., Röttinger E, Croce J, Lhomond G, Besnardeau L, Gache C, Lepage T., Development. November 1, 2006; 133 (21): 4341-53.

The canonical Wnt pathway in embryonic axis polarity., Croce JC, McClay DR., Semin Cell Dev Biol. April 1, 2006; 17 (2): 168-74.

Frizzled5/8 is required in secondary mesenchyme cells to initiate archenteron invagination during sea urchin development., Croce J, Duloquin L, Lhomond G, McClay DR, Gache C., Development. February 1, 2006; 133 (3): 547-57.

Coquillette, a sea urchin T-box gene of the Tbx2 subfamily, is expressed asymmetrically along the oral-aboral axis of the embryo and is involved in skeletogenesis., Croce J, Lhomond G, Gache C., Mech Dev. May 1, 2003; 120 (5): 561-72.

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