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Profile Publications (35)

Publications By Leslie Wilson

Results 1 - 35 of 35 results

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Internally bridged nanosilica for loadings and release of sparsely soluble compounds., Heidari Nia M, Wilson LD, Reza Kiasat A, Munguia-Lopez JG, Kinsella JM, van de Ven TGM., J Colloid Interface Sci. November 1, 2023; 649 456-470.

Sperm navigation along helical paths in 3D chemoattractant landscapes., Jikeli JF, Alvarez L, Friedrich BM, Wilson LG, Pascal R, Colin R, Pichlo M, Rennhack A, Brenker C, Kaupp UB., Nat Commun. August 17, 2015; 6 7985.   

High-speed holographic microscopy of malaria parasites reveals ambidextrous flagellar waveforms., Wilson LG, Carter LM, Reece SE., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 19, 2013; 110 (47): 18769-74.

Analysis of dynamic instability of steady-state microtubules in vitro by video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy with an appendix by Emin Oroudjev., Yenjerla M, Lopus M, Wilson L., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2010; 95 189-206.

Regulation of microtubule dynamic instability in vitro by differentially phosphorylated stathmin., Manna T, Thrower DA, Honnappa S, Steinmetz MO, Wilson L., J Biol Chem. June 5, 2009; 284 (23): 15640-9.

Suppression of microtubule dynamic instability by the +TIP protein EB1 and its modulation by the CAP-Gly domain of p150glued., Manna T, Honnappa S, Steinmetz MO, Wilson L., Biochemistry. January 15, 2008; 47 (2): 779-86.

2-Methoxyestradiol suppresses microtubule dynamics and arrests mitosis without depolymerizing microtubules., Kamath K, Okouneva T, Larson G, Panda D, Wilson L, Jordan MA., Mol Cancer Ther. September 1, 2006; 5 (9): 2225-33.

Dicoumarol: a unique microtubule stabilizing natural product that is synergistic with Taxol., Madari H, Panda D, Wilson L, Jacobs RS., Cancer Res. March 15, 2003; 63 (6): 1214-20.

Determination of the size and chemical nature of the stabilizing "cap" at microtubule ends using modulators of polymerization dynamics., Panda D, Miller HP, Wilson L., Biochemistry. February 5, 2002; 41 (5): 1609-17.

Novel actions of the antitumor drugs vinflunine and vinorelbine on microtubules., Ngan VK, Bellman K, Panda D, Hill BT, Jordan MA, Wilson L., Cancer Res. September 15, 2000; 60 (18): 5045-51.

Low potency of taxol at microtubule minus ends: implications for its antimitotic and therapeutic mechanism., Derry WB, Wilson L, Jordan MA., Cancer Res. March 15, 1998; 58 (6): 1177-84.

Selective inhibition of cytokinesis in sea urchin embryos by the marine natural product pseudopterolide., Grace KJ, Medina M, Jacobs RS, Wilson L., Mol Pharmacol. April 1, 1992; 41 (4): 631-8.

A component of the interphase cytoskeleton is cyclically recruited into spindle poles during mitosis., Leslie RJ, Kohler E, Wilson L., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1991; 19 (2): 80-90.

Preparation and characterization of mitotic cytoskeletons from embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus., Leslie RJ, Wilson L., Anal Biochem. August 15, 1989; 181 (1): 51-8.

Selective inhibition of cytokinesis in sea urchin embryos by low concentrations of stypoldione, a marine natural product that reacts with sulfhydryl groups., O'Brien ET, Asai DJ, Jacobs RS, Wilson L., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 1989; 35 (5): 635-42.

Kinesin is associated with a nonmicrotubule component of sea urchin mitotic spindles., Leslie RJ, Hird RB, Wilson L, McIntosh JR, Scholey JM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 1987; 84 (9): 2771-5.

Dynein-like cytoplasmic microtubule translocators., Asai DJ, Leslie RJ, Wilson L., Ann N Y Acad Sci. January 1, 1986; 466 275-91.

Mechanism of microtubule assembly. Changes in polymer structure and organization during assembly of sea urchin egg tubulin., Detrich HW, Jordan MA, Wilson L, Williams RC., J Biol Chem. August 5, 1985; 260 (16): 9479-90.

A latent activity dynein-like cytoplasmic magnesium adenosine triphosphatase., Asai DJ, Wilson L., J Biol Chem. January 25, 1985; 260 (2): 699-702.

Colchicine-binding activity distinguishes sea urchin egg and outer doublet tubulins., Wilson L, Miller HP, Pfeffer TA, Sullivan KF, Detrich HW., J Cell Biol. July 1, 1984; 99 (1 Pt 1): 37-41.

Purification, characterization, and assembly properties of tubulin from unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus., Detrich HW, Wilson L., Biochemistry. May 10, 1983; 22 (10): 2453-62.

Effect of colchicine binding on the reversible dissociation of the tubulin dimer., Detrich HW, Williams RC, Wilson L., Biochemistry. May 11, 1982; 21 (10): 2392-400.

Two different monoclonal antibodies to alpha-tubulin inhibit the bending of reactivated sea urchin spermatozoa., Asai DJ, Brokaw CJ, Thompson WC, Wilson L., Cell Motil. January 1, 1982; 2 (6): 599-614.

Monoclonal antibodies to tubulin and their effects on the movement of reactivated sea urchin spermatozoa., Asai DJ, Brokaw CJ, Harmon RC, Wilson L., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1982; 80 175-80.

Analysis of microtubule polymerization inhibitors in sea urchin egg extracts: evidence for a protease., Asnes CF, Wilson L., Arch Biochem Biophys. March 1, 1981; 207 (1): 75-80.

Selective compounds derived from marine organisms: effects on cell division in fertilized sea urchin eggs., Jacobs RS, White S, Wilson L., Fed Proc. January 1, 1981; 40 (1): 26-9.

Proposed mechanism for colchicine poisoning of microtubules reassembled in vitro from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm tail outer doublet tubulin., Farrell KW, Wilson L., Biochemistry. June 24, 1980; 19 (13): 3048-54.

Outer doublet tubulin reassembly: evidence for opposite end assembly-disassembly at steady state and a disassembly end equilibrium., Farrell KW, Kassis JA, Wilson L., Biochemistry. June 12, 1979; 18 (12): 2642-7.

Characterization of the in vitro reassembly of tubulin derived from stable Strongylocentrotus purpuratus outer doublet microtubules., Farrell KW, Morse A, Wilson L., Biochemistry. March 6, 1979; 18 (5): 905-11.

Microtubule reassembly in vitro of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm tail outer doublet tubulin., Farrell KW, Wilson L., J Mol Biol. May 25, 1978; 121 (3): 393-410.

Differences in the binding properties of vinca alkaloids and colchicine to tubulin by varying protein sources and methodology., Hans FO, Dickerson RM, Wilson L, Owellen RJ., Biochem Pharmacol. January 1, 1978; 27 (1): 71-6.

Properties of tubulin in unfertilized sea urchin eggs. Quantitation and characterization by the colchicine-binding reaction., Pfeffer TA, Asnes CF, Wilson L., J Cell Biol. June 1, 1976; 69 (3): 599-607.

The mechanism of action of vinblastine. Binding of [acetyl-3H]vinblastine to embryonic chick brain tubulin and tubulin from sea urchin sperm tail outer doublet microtubules., Wilson L, Creswell KM, Chin D., Biochemistry. December 30, 1975; 14 (26): 5586-92.

Interaction of drugs with microtubule proteins., Wilson L, Bamburg JR, Mizel SB, Grisham LM, Creswell KM., Fed Proc. February 1, 1974; 33 (2): 158-66.

The mechanism of action of colchicine. Colchicine binding properties of sea urchin sperm tail outer doublet tubulin., Wilson L, Meza I., J Cell Biol. September 1, 1973; 58 (3): 709-19.

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