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Profile Publications (81)

Publications By Antony Galione

Results 1 - 50 of 81 results

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NAADP-Mediated Ca2+ Signalling., Galione A, Davis LC, Martucci LL, Morgan AJ., Handb Exp Pharmacol. July 26, 2022;

Carvedilol inhibits cADPR- and IP3-induced Ca2+ release., Morgan AJ, Bampali K, Ruas M, Factor C, Back TG, Chen SRW, Galione A., Messenger (Los Angel). June 1, 2016; 5 (1-2): 92-99.

A primer of NAADP-mediated Ca(2+) signalling: From sea urchin eggs to mammalian cells., Galione A., Cell Calcium. July 1, 2015; 58 (1): 27-47.

Measurement of luminal pH of acidic stores as a readout for NAADP action., Galione A, Chuang KT, Funnell TM, Davis LC, Morgan AJ, Ruas M, Parrington J, Churchill GC., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. October 1, 2014; 2014 (10): pdb.prot076935.

Preparation and use of sea urchin egg homogenates for studying NAADP-mediated Ca²⁺ release., Galione A, Chuang KT, Funnell TM, Davis LC, Morgan AJ, Ruas M, Parrington J, Churchill GC., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. September 2, 2014; 2014 (9): 988-92.

''Click cyclic ADP-ribose'': a neutral second messenger mimic., Swarbrick JM, Graeff R, Garnham C, Thomas MP, Galione A, Potter BV., Chem Commun (Camb). March 7, 2014; 50 (19): 2458-61.   

Preparation and use of sea urchin egg homogenates., Morgan AJ, Galione A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2014; 1128 161-73.

Bidirectional Ca²⁺ signaling occurs between the endoplasmic reticulum and acidic organelles., Morgan AJ, Davis LC, Wagner SK, Lewis AM, Parrington J, Churchill GC, Galione A., J Cell Biol. March 18, 2013; 200 (6): 789-805.   

The luminal Ca(2+) chelator, TPEN, inhibits NAADP-induced Ca(2+) release., Morgan AJ, Parrington J, Galione A., Cell Calcium. December 1, 2012; 52 (6): 481-7.   

Photoaffinity labeling of high affinity nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-binding proteins in sea urchin egg., Walseth TF, Lin-Moshier Y, Jain P, Ruas M, Parrington J, Galione A, Marchant JS, Slama JT., J Biol Chem. January 20, 2012; 287 (4): 2308-15.   

Synthesis of cyclic adenosine 5''-diphosphate ribose analogues: a C2''endo/syn "southern" ribose conformation underlies activity at the sea urchin cADPR receptor., Moreau C, Ashamu GA, Bailey VC, Galione A, Guse AH, Potter BV., Org Biomol Chem. January 7, 2011; 9 (1): 278-90.   

NAADP receptors., Galione A., Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. January 1, 2011; 3 (1): a004036.

The calcium-mobilizing messenger nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate participates in sperm activation by mediating the acrosome reaction., Vasudevan SR, Lewis AM, Chan JW, Machin CL, Sinha D, Galione A, Churchill GC., J Biol Chem. June 11, 2010; 285 (24): 18262-9.   

Purified TPC isoforms form NAADP receptors with distinct roles for Ca(2+) signaling and endolysosomal trafficking., Ruas M, Rietdorf K, Arredouani A, Davis LC, Lloyd-Evans E, Koegel H, Funnell TM, Morgan AJ, Ward JA, Watanabe K, Cheng X, Churchill GC, Zhu MX, Platt FM, Wessel GM, Parrington J, Galione A., Curr Biol. April 27, 2010; 20 (8): 703-9.   

Analogues of the nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) antagonist Ned-19 indicate two binding sites on the NAADP receptor., Rosen D, Lewis AM, Mizote A, Thomas JM, Aley PK, Vasudevan SR, Parkesh R, Galione A, Izumi M, Ganesan A, Churchill GC., J Biol Chem. December 11, 2009; 284 (50): 34930-4.

Identification of a chemical probe for NAADP by virtual screening., Naylor E, Arredouani A, Vasudevan SR, Lewis AM, Parkesh R, Mizote A, Rosen D, Thomas JM, Izumi M, Ganesan A, Galione A, Churchill GC., Nat Chem Biol. April 1, 2009; 5 (4): 220-6.   

Investigating cADPR and NAADP in intact and broken cell preparations., Morgan AJ, Galione A., Methods. November 1, 2008; 46 (3): 194-203.

Ca(2+) signaling occurs via second messenger release from intraorganelle synthesis sites., Davis LC, Morgan AJ, Ruas M, Wong JL, Graeff RM, Poustka AJ, Lee HC, Wessel GM, Parrington J, Galione A., Curr Biol. October 28, 2008; 18 (20): 1612-8.   

Cell-permeant NAADP: a novel chemical tool enabling the study of Ca2+ signalling in intact cells., Parkesh R, Lewis AM, Aley PK, Arredouani A, Rossi S, Tavares R, Vasudevan SR, Rosen D, Galione A, Dowden J, Churchill GC., Cell Calcium. June 1, 2008; 43 (6): 531-8.

Sperm express a Ca2+-regulated NAADP synthase., Vasudevan SR, Galione A, Churchill GC., Biochem J. April 1, 2008; 411 (1): 63-70.

2''-deoxy cyclic adenosine 5''-diphosphate ribose derivatives: importance of the 2''-hydroxyl motif for the antagonistic activity of 8-substituted cADPR derivatives., Zhang B, Wagner GK, Weber K, Garnham C, Morgan AJ, Galione A, Guse AH, Potter BV., J Med Chem. March 27, 2008; 51 (6): 1623-36.

Fertilization and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate induce pH changes in acidic Ca(2+) stores in sea urchin eggs., Morgan AJ, Galione A., J Biol Chem. December 28, 2007; 282 (52): 37730-7.

Refinement of a radioreceptor binding assay for nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate., Lewis AM, Masgrau R, Vasudevan SR, Yamasaki M, O'Neill JS, Garnham C, James K, Macdonald A, Ziegler M, Galione A, Churchill GC., Anal Biochem. December 1, 2007; 371 (1): 26-36.   

Flipping the switch: how a sperm activates the egg at fertilization., Parrington J, Davis LC, Galione A, Wessel G., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2007; 236 (8): 2027-38.

NAADP induces pH changes in the lumen of acidic Ca2+ stores., Morgan AJ, Galione A., Biochem J. March 1, 2007; 402 (2): 301-10.

Chemo-enzymatic synthesis and biological evaluation of photolabile nicotinic acid adenine dinuclotide phosphate (NAADP+)., Parkesh R, Vasudevan SR, Berry A, Galione A, Dowden J, Churchill GC., Org Biomol Chem. February 7, 2007; 5 (3): 441-3.

NAADP, a new intracellular messenger that mobilizes Ca2+ from acidic stores., Galione A., Biochem Soc Trans. November 1, 2006; 34 (Pt 5): 922-6.

Cell-permeant small-molecule modulators of NAADP-mediated Ca2+ release., Dowden J, Berridge G, Moreau C, Yamasaki M, Churchill GC, Potter BV, Galione A., Chem Biol. June 1, 2006; 13 (6): 659-65.

Endogenously bound calmodulin is essential for the function of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor., Kasri NN, Török K, Galione A, Garnham C, Callewaert G, Missiaen L, Parys JB, De Smedt H., J Biol Chem. March 31, 2006; 281 (13): 8332-8.

Role of NAADP and cADPR in the induction and maintenance of agonist-evoked Ca2+ spiking in mouse pancreatic acinar cells., Yamasaki M, Thomas JM, Churchill GC, Garnham C, Lewis AM, Cancela JM, Patel S, Galione A., Curr Biol. May 10, 2005; 15 (9): 874-8.

The NAADP receptor: new receptors or new regulation?, Galione A, Petersen OH., Mol Interv. April 1, 2005; 5 (2): 73-9.

NAADP receptors., Galione A, Ruas M., Cell Calcium. January 1, 2005; 38 (3-4): 273-80.

Chemical synthesis of the second messenger nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate by total synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate., Dowden J, Moreau C, Brown RS, Berridge G, Galione A, Potter BV., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. September 6, 2004; 43 (35): 4637-40.

The NAADP receptor: commentary on Billington et al., Galione A, Parrington J, Dowden J., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 2004; 142 (8): 1203-7.

Aplysia californica mediated cyclisation of novel 3''-modified NAD+ analogues: a role for hydrogen bonding in the recognition of cyclic adenosine 5''-diphosphate ribose., Mort CJ, Migaud ME, Galione A, Potter BV., Bioorg Med Chem. January 15, 2004; 12 (2): 475-87.

Convergent synthesis and unexpected Ca(2+)-mobilizing activity of 8-substituted analogues of cyclic ADP-carbocyclic-ribose, a stable mimic of the Ca(2+)-mobilizing second messenger cyclic ADP-ribose., Shuto S, Fukuoka M, Kudoh T, Garnham C, Galione A, Potter BV, Matsuda A., J Med Chem. October 23, 2003; 46 (22): 4741-9.

The NO pathway acts late during the fertilization response in sea urchin eggs., Leckie C, Empson R, Becchetti A, Thomas J, Galione A, Whitaker M., J Biol Chem. April 4, 2003; 278 (14): 12247-54.

Sperm deliver a new second messenger: NAADP., Churchill GC, O'Neill JS, Masgrau R, Patel S, Thomas JM, Genazzani AA, Galione A., Curr Biol. January 21, 2003; 13 (2): 125-8.

Calmodulin dissociation mediates desensitization of the cADPR-induced Ca2+ release mechanism., Thomas JM, Summerhill RJ, Fruen BR, Churchill GC, Galione A., Curr Biol. December 10, 2002; 12 (23): 2018-22.

NAADP mobilizes Ca(2+) from reserve granules, lysosome-related organelles, in sea urchin eggs., Churchill GC, Okada Y, Thomas JM, Genazzani AA, Patel S, Galione A., Cell. November 27, 2002; 111 (5): 703-8.

Solubilization of receptors for the novel Ca2+-mobilizing messenger, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate., Berridge G, Dickinson G, Parrington J, Galione A, Patel S., J Biol Chem. November 15, 2002; 277 (46): 43717-23.

Interactions between calcium release pathways: multiple messengers and multiple stores., Galione A, Churchill GC., Cell Calcium. January 1, 2002; 32 (5-6): 343-54.

Pharmacological characterization of the putative cADP-ribose receptor., Thomas JM, Masgrau R, Churchill GC, Galione A., Biochem J. October 15, 2001; 359 (Pt 2): 451-7.

Distinct pharmacology of 2-hydroxycarbazole-induced Ca2+ release in the sea urchin egg., Thomas JM, Churchill GC, Patel S, Galione A., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. August 1, 2001; 298 (2): 644-50.

NAADP induces Ca2+ oscillations via a two-pool mechanism by priming IP3- and cADPR-sensitive Ca2+ stores., Churchill GC, Galione A., EMBO J. June 1, 2001; 20 (11): 2666-71.

Prolonged inactivation of nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate-induced Ca2+ release mediates a spatiotemporal Ca2+ memory., Churchill GC, Galione A., J Biol Chem. April 6, 2001; 276 (14): 11223-5.

Unique kinetics of nicotinic acid-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) binding enhance the sensitivity of NAADP receptors for their ligand., Patel S, Churchill GC, Galione A., Biochem J. December 15, 2000; 352 Pt 3 725-9.

Spatial control of Ca2+ signaling by nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate diffusion and gradients., Churchill GC, Galione A., J Biol Chem. December 8, 2000; 275 (49): 38687-92.

Widespread distribution of binding sites for the novel Ca2+-mobilizing messenger, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate, in the brain., Patel S, Churchill GC, Sharp T, Galione A., J Biol Chem. November 24, 2000; 275 (47): 36495-7.

Calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum of higher plants elicited by the NADP metabolite nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate., Navazio L, Bewell MA, Siddiqua A, Dickinson GD, Galione A, Sanders D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 18, 2000; 97 (15): 8693-8.

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