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Profile Publications (9)

Publications By Greg A Cary

Results 1 - 9 of 9 results

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Echinobase: leveraging an extant model organism database to build a knowledgebase supporting research on the genomics and biology of echinoderms., Arshinoff BI, Cary GA, Karimi K, Foley S, Agalakov S, Delgado F, Lotay VS, Ku CJ, Pells TJ, Beatman TR, Kim E, Cameron RA, Vize PD, Telmer CA, Croce JC, Ettensohn CA, Hinman VF., Nucleic Acids Res. January 7, 2022; 50 (D1): D970-D979.   

A nomenclature for echinoderm genes., Beatman TR, Buckley KM, Cary GA, Hinman VF, Ettensohn CA., Database (Oxford). August 7, 2021; 2021   

Systematic comparison of sea urchin and sea star developmental gene regulatory networks explains how novelty is incorporated in early development., Cary GA, McCauley BS, Zueva O, Pattinato J, Longabaugh W, Hinman VF., Nat Commun. December 4, 2020; 11 (1): 6235.   

Developmental transcriptomes of the sea star, Patiria miniata, illuminate how gene expression changes with evolutionary distance., Gildor T, Cary GA, Lalzar M, Hinman VF, Ben-Tabou de-Leon S., Sci Rep. November 7, 2019; 9 (1): 16201.   

Analysis of sea star larval regeneration reveals conserved processes of whole-body regeneration across the metazoa., Cary GA, Wolff A, Zueva O, Pattinato J, Hinman VF., BMC Biol. February 22, 2019; 17 (1): 16.   

Genomic resources for the study of echinoderm development and evolution., Cary GA, Cameron RA, Hinman VF., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 151 65-88.

EchinoBase: Tools for Echinoderm Genome Analyses., Cary GA, Cameron RA, Hinman VF., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1757 349-369.

Echinoderm development and evolution in the post-genomic era., Cary GA, Hinman VF., Dev Biol. July 15, 2017; 427 (2): 203-211.

Genome-wide use of high- and low-affinity Tbrain transcription factor binding sites during echinoderm development., Cary GA, Cheatle Jarvela AM, Francolini RD, Hinman VF., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 6, 2017; 114 (23): 5854-5861.

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