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Profile Publications (7)

Publications By Keith Alvares

Results 1 - 7 of 7 results

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Culture of and experiments with sea urchin embryo primary mesenchyme cells., Moreno B, DiCorato A, Park A, Mobilia K, Knapp R, Bleher R, Wilke C, Alvares K, Joester D., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2019; 150 293-330.

The unique biomineralization transcriptome and proteome of Lytechinus variegatus teeth., Alvares K, DeHart CJ, Thomas PM, Kelleher NL, Veis A., Connect Tissue Res. December 1, 2018; 59 (sup1): 20-29.

Expression of the invertebrate sea urchin P16 protein into mammalian MC3T3 osteoblasts transforms and reprograms them into "osteocyte-like" cells., Alvares K, Ren Y, Feng JQ, Veis A., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. January 1, 2016; 326 (1): 38-46.

On the formation and functions of high and very high magnesium calcites in the continuously growing teeth of the echinoderm Lytechinus variegatus: development of crystallinity and protein involvement., Veis A, Stock SR, Alvares K, Lux E., Cells Tissues Organs. January 1, 2011; 194 (2-4): 131-7.

Echinoderm phosphorylated matrix proteins UTMP16 and UTMP19 have different functions in sea urchin tooth mineralization., Alvares K, Dixit SN, Lux E, Veis A., J Biol Chem. September 18, 2009; 284 (38): 26149-60.   

Characterization of two distinctly different mineral-related proteins from the teeth of the Camarodont sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus: Specificity of function with relation to mineralization., Veis A, Alvares K, Dixit SN, Robach JS, Stock SR., Front Mater Sci China. June 1, 2009; 3 (2): 163-168.

The proteome of the developing tooth of the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus: mortalin is a constituent of the developing cell syncytium., Alvares K, Dixit SN, Lux E, Barss J, Veis A., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. July 15, 2007; 308 (4): 357-70.

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