Publications By Christina James-Zorn
Results 1 - 8 of 8 resultsPage(s): 1
Xenbase: deep integration of GEO & SRA RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data in a model organism database., Fortriede JD, Pells TJ, Chu S, Chaturvedi P, Wang D, Fisher ME, James-Zorn C, Wang Y, Nenni MJ, Burns KA, Lotay VS, Ponferrada VG, Karimi K, Zorn AM, Vize PD., Nucleic Acids Res. January 8, 2020; |
Xenbase: Facilitating the Use of Xenopus to Model Human Disease., Nenni MJ, Fisher ME, James-Zorn C, Pells TJ, Ponferrada V, Chu S, Fortriede JD, Burns KA, Wang Y, Lotay VS, Wang DZ, Segerdell E, Chaturvedi P, Karimi K, Vize PD, Zorn AM., Front Physiol. February 26, 2019; 10 154. |
Xenbase: a genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic model organism database., Karimi K, Fortriede JD, Lotay VS, Burns KA, Wang DZ, Fisher ME, Pells TJ, James-Zorn C, Wang Y, Ponferrada VG, Chu S, Chaturvedi P, Zorn AM, Vize PD., Nucleic Acids Res. January 4, 2018; 46 (D1): D861-D868. |
Navigating Xenbase: An Integrated Xenopus Genomics and Gene Expression Database., James-Zorn C, Ponferrada V, Fisher ME, Burns K, Fortriede J, Segerdell E, Karimi K, Lotay V, Wang DZ, Chu S, Pells T, Wang Y, Vize PD, Zorn A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1757 251-305. |
Xenbase: Core features, data acquisition, and data processing., James-Zorn C, Ponferrada VG, Burns KA, Fortriede JD, Lotay VS, Liu Y, Brad Karpinka J, Karimi K, Zorn AM, Vize PD., Genesis. August 1, 2015; 53 (8): 486-97. |
Finding our way through phenotypes., Deans AR, Lewis SE, Huala E, Anzaldo SS, Ashburner M, Balhoff JP, Blackburn DC, Blake JA, Burleigh JG, Chanet B, Cooper LD, Courtot M, Csösz S, Cui H, Dahdul W, Das S, Dececchi TA, Dettai A, Diogo R, Druzinsky RE, Dumontier M, Franz NM, Friedrich F, Gkoutos GV, Haendel M, Harmon LJ, Hayamizu TF, He Y, Hines HM, Ibrahim N, Jackson LM, Jaiswal P, James-Zorn C, Köhler S, Lecointre G, Lapp H, Lawrence CJ, Le Novère N, Lundberg JG, Macklin J, Mast AR, Midford PE, Mikó I, Mungall CJ, Oellrich A, Osumi-Sutherland D, Parkinson H, Ramírez MJ, Richter S, Robinson PN, Ruttenberg A, Schulz KS, Segerdell E, Seltmann KC, Sharkey MJ, Smith AD, Smith B, Specht CD, Squires RB, Thacker RW, Thessen A, Fernandez-Triana J, Vihinen M, Vize PD, Vogt L, Wall CE, Walls RL, Westerfeld M, Wharton RA, Wirkner CS, Woolley JB, Yoder MJ, Zorn AM, Mabee P., PLoS Biol. January 6, 2015; 13 (1): e1002033. |
Xenbase, the Xenopus model organism database; new virtualized system, data types and genomes., Karpinka JB, Fortriede JD, Burns KA, James-Zorn C, Ponferrada VG, Lee J, Karimi K, Zorn AM, Vize PD., Nucleic Acids Res. January 1, 2015; 43 (Database issue): D756-63. |
Enhanced XAO: the ontology of Xenopus anatomy and development underpins more accurate annotation of gene expression and queries on Xenbase., Segerdell E, Ponferrada VG, James-Zorn C, Burns KA, Fortriede JD, Dahdul WM, Vize PD, Zorn AM., J Biomed Semantics. October 18, 2013; 4 (1): 31. |
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