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Organization Type Description
Palo Alto Ca : Annual Reviews Publisher
Palo Alto, CA : Annual Reviews Publisher
Palo Alto, CA : Annual Reviews, c2000- Publisher
Pamplona, Spain : Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad De Navarra (departamentos de fisiología y nutrición y de bioquimica), [1998- Publisher
Paris : Editions Scientifiques Elsevier Publisher
Paris : Elsevier Publisher
Paris : Elsevier, c2002- Publisher
Pasteur Institute of Iran Publisher
Pavia, Italy : PagePress Publisher
Pensacola, FL : SETAC Press Publisher
Pergamon Publisher
Pergamon In Cooperation With The Reproductive Toxicology Center Publisher
Pergamon Press Publisher
Pergamon Press, Publisher
Pergamon Press. Publisher
Pergamon, Publisher
Periodica Publisher
Pharmacal Company Holding systems
Pharmaceutical Press Publisher
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Non-Governmental Organization The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ) aims to promote the development of pharmaceutical sciences among its more than 20,000 members. Pharmaceutical sciences are based on physics, chemistry, biology, and a wide range of life science fields. These all contribute to the health and welfare of human beings through the creation, production, supply, and prescription of medicines. The Japanese have the longest life expectancy in the world. The 21st century will be the "life science era" in Japanese society. In response to the great public need, recognition, and expectations, the PSJ encourages its active members to make the greatest possible contributions to all the pharmaceutical sciences.
Pharmacogenetics Of Membrane Transporters Investigators University In response to an RFA issued by NIH in 1999, investigators at UCSF began planning for submission of a proposal for a large center grant focused on pharmacogenomics of membrane transporters. A multi-disciplinary team of investigators, led by K. Giacomini, I. Herskowitz and N. Freimer, was formed, which included pharmacologists, geneticists, computational biologists, statisticians and molecular biologists, individuals who before that time had never collaborated in a scientific endeavor. During initial meetings, the team decided that the goal of a large center such as PMT was to seed the scientific community with new information about transporter genomics and pharmacogenomics to enable hypothesis generation. In addition to genomic, functional genomic and genotype to phenotype clinical studies, one large phenotype to genotype clinical study, the Genetics of Response to Anti-depressants (GRAD), which focused on the SSRI anti-depressants, was proposed. A password protected transporter database was proposed, which subsequently developed into a public database, dbPMT. The first grant proposal was successful, and was followed by a competitive renewal, funded in 2005, which extended PMT until 2010. Studies funded by the competitive renewal, which are ongoing, have a major focus on noncoding region variants. Clinical genotype to phenotype studies began in the second round, translating laboratory discoveries to clinical studies of drug disposition and response.
Pharmacogenetics of Membrane Transporters Investigators Paper Author
Philadelphia : Taylor & Francis Publisher
Philadelphia Pa : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publisher
Philadelphia Pa : W.B. Saunders Publisher
Philadelphia, Institute for Clinical Science Publisher
Philadelphia, PA : American Association for Cancer Research Publisher
Philadelphia, PA : American Association for Cancer Research, c2002- Publisher
Philadelphia, PA : American Association for Cancer Research, Inc., c2001- Publisher
Philadelphia, PA : American Gastroenterological Association, [2015]- Publisher
Philadelphia, PA : W.B. Saunders Publisher
Phildelphia : W.B. Saunders Publisher
Physiological Society Of Japan Publisher
Physiological Society of Japan Publisher The Physiological Society of Japan (PSJ) is active through meetings, publications, and committee activities. Its aim is to promote research in the physiological sciences by providing free communications to members and by actively committing itself to the national and international scientific communities. The Society publishes two journals: The Journal of Physiological Sciences, a bimonthly in English , and The Journal of The Physiological Society of Japan, a monthly in Japanese.
Physiological Society Of Nigeria Publisher
Pisa : Clinical And Experimental Rheumatology S.A.S Publisher
Piscataway, NJ : IEEE Service Center, c2004- Publisher
Piscataway, NJ : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c2002- Publisher
Plenum Publisher
Poitiers, France : University Hospital Publisher
Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society Publisher FOLIA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOBIOLOGICA is the official Journal of the Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica was established in 1963 under the title "Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica" by the Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society as an international English-language journal devoted to the rapidly developing areas of histochemistry and cytochemistry. In 1984 the profile of the journal was broadened to accommodate papers dealing with cell and tissue biology and the title was accordingly changed. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica (ISSN PL 0015-5586) is published quarterly, one volume a year, by the Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society and Foundation for Cell Biology and Molecular Biology, at Vesalius Medical Publishing, Wiœlisko 1, 31-538, Kraków, Poland. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica publishes review articles, original articles, letters to the editor, proceedings of scientific congresses/symposia and book reviews. Fields of particular interest include: · development and applications of modern histochemical techniques · cell biology and pathology, · cell-microenvironment interaction, · tissue organization and pathology,
Polish Society for Biology of Reproduction Publisher
Polish Society for Cell Biology Publisher
Portland Press Publisher
Portland Press Ltd Publisher
Portland Press, Ltd Publisher
Portland Press, Ltd. Publisher
Portland Press, Ltd., Publisher
Poultry Science Association Publisher
Praha : Ceska Lekarska Spolecnost Publisher

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