de-Leon Lab
Research Interests
regulatory genes control, functional organization of body plan, evolutionary changes, animal morpholResearch Area
We aim to decipher how the genomic program for development is encoded in the DNA, how it is executed during development and what enables it to resist genetic and environmental changes. We study sea urchin and other echinoderm species that have major experimental advantages that enable us to investigate the regulation of developmental process starting from fertilization. Our research has strong implications to the understanding of cell fate specification and differentiation as well as dedifferentiation processes that occur during genetic diseases, like cancer.Current Members
de-Leon, Smadar Ben-Tabou

Tabachnik, Aleksei Konstantinovich

Goloe, Daniel (Graduate Student) Contact
Nehrer, Tovah (Graduate Student)
Tewari, Prashant

Institution: Leon H. Charney School of Marine Science Web Page: Fax: 972 4 8288267