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Summary Anatomy Item Literature (0) Expression Attributions Wiki

Genes expressed in spermatozoid flagellum

  Images Clones Papers Total
LOC100887844 0 0 23 23
LOC115919910 0 0 9 9
tubgcp2 0 0 8 8
dnah3 0 0 7 7
LOC115925415 0 0 4 4
LOC593358 0 0 3 3
LOC100893523 0 0 2 2
LOC593824 0 0 2 2
srpl 0 0 2 2
LOC576733 0 0 2 2
LOC586260 0 0 2 2
LOC594566 0 0 2 2
LOC590870 0 0 2 2
LOC581395 0 0 2 2
LOC575557 0 0 2 2
ckm 0 0 2 2
LOC592542 0 0 1 1
LOC576642 0 0 1 1
LOC115918576 0 0 1 1
prdx3 0 0 1 1
LOC590614 0 0 1 1
LOC594261 0 0 1 1
LOC100890978 0 0 1 1
rab3 0 0 1 1
LOC591902 0 0 1 1
LOC583082 0 0 1 1
mpp5 0 0 1 1
LOC576114 0 0 1 1
LOC762696 0 0 1 1
lrguk 0 0 1 1
guk1 0 0 1 1
tubb1 0 0 1 1
LOC100893907 0 0 1 1